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Tiara's POV
"OMG Tiara in bed with a man" I heard a voice scream making something move on my chest. I opened my eyes to see a shocked Kat looking down at Carl on my chest.

"Kat get out"

"What's going on princess" Carl said groggily into my chest making my heart beat faster. His morning voice though

"It's Kat she has come to torment me" I said dryly

"Okay fine I'll give y'all some privacy, I'll be waiting in the sitting room"

"I'm just going to get my clothes inthe sitting room and come back to dress" he said getting up from the bed.

"You're not going anywhere, your fucking dick shape is out I'm not about to let Kat fantasize about having you, I'll get your clothes you wait here" I retorted as I got up to get his clothes.

"Now you done bafucking" Kat said as she watched my every move.

"You're watching too much pink court room" I said as I picked up his clothes and heading back to the room.

"Here, and about that yesterday question it's a yes you're mine" I said possessively as I threw his clothes to him.

"Baby girl chill I wasn't going to flirt with your friend" he said gently as if it wasn't a problem "It's not even a big deal" now it's a big deal.

"So now you want to seduce my friends" I gaslighted.

"Baby girl don't start that, it's you I like okay?" he said gently as he walked closer to me and kissed my cheek then my lips this man has gotten me.

"Okay" I replied gently letting him put on his clothes.

"I'm just going to head home and freshen up, how about I pick you up right after, it's the weekend we should enjoy it" he suggested.

"Alright bet, I'll see you later" I said as he left.

"Okayyyy so what's going on?" Kat requested.

"Wellll we're sorta dating"

"Sorta?? How did it happen" Kat said excited, I explained it to her and she was very happy for me, "I'm so proud of you I'm sure he's gonna make you happy" she said smiling.

"And we have a date today" I added.

"Well let's get you ready, I do have some news though" she said inaudibly.

"Kathrin what's going on?"

"Well there's this guy I like and he told me he liked me too" she continued.

"OMG I'm so happy for you we could have a double date sometime" I offered.

"Yeah definitely, let's get you dressed now", I had my bathe and did my skincare routine not forgetting sunscreen cause it's essential. Then I got into the main outfit I wore a nudish coloured dress with a deep square neck and paired then with same colored shoes and then accessorized.

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