Weird Science Fair

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Phoebe and Y/N find Billy and Nora working on their science fair projects.

Y/N: Hey, guys, whatcha doin'?

Billy: Working on our project for the school science fair.

Phoebe: Oh, my gosh! I love science fairs. They've got all the fun of homework mixed with the thrill of academic competition. That sounded a lot cooler in my head.

Nora: I'm making a potato clock. Check it out.

Nora gets hungry and turns them into french-fries using her heat vision.

Y/N: All you did was turn it into French fries.

Nora: I know, I can't work on an empty stomach.

Phoebe: So, Billy, what's your project?

Billy: I'm making... These!

Billy is making mop socks for cleaning the floor.

Phoebe: Mop socks? So, you're gonna clean the floor with your feet?

Billy: Hey, that works too!

Nora: Let's try it out.

Nora pours a glass of water and Billy uses his mop socks to clean the floor.

Billy: Wow, that's way better than hairy foot puppets.

Phoebe: Not bad, guys. Just don't say "science fair" around Max. It stirs up bad memories.

Billy: Just from saying science f-

Y/N: Shh! Yes.

Nora: Why? What'll happen?

Phoebe: Trust me, he'll totally freak.

Billy: Well, now we have to do it.

Nora: Yep.

Phoebe: No.

Billy and Nora: Science fair!

Max comes running downstairs.

Max: Who said science fair-

Max then slips on the slippery floor and goes through the wall.

Billy and Nora: Worth it!

Max is back inside with an ice pack on his head.

Billy: Sorry we said, "science fair," Max.

Nora: Y/N and Phoebe told us to do it.

Y/N: We did not. The last thing we wanted was for Max to hear those words. Now we have to listen to his bitter, long-winded st-

Max: It was five years ago. Back in metroburg, I was an idealistic fourth-grader dreaming of science fair glory. I built a device that can make anything ten times bigger. The other projects didn't stand a chance. Especially Phoebe's and Y/N's.

A young Max sees his sister and Y/N with their project that they both built.

Young Max: Your project doesn't stand a chance.

Phoebe: Our mouse light rocks.

Max: But when I turned on the Grow-Matic... I was humiliated.

The device young Max made melted things after making them bigger.

Max: I saw my science fair dreams crash to the ground.

Y/N: And who ended up winning?

Max: Some undeserving nobodies.

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