Chapter 2

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Silence filled the forest around the group for some moments. Not even an owl broke the tension that was building around them.

"WHAT?" Marc yelled at Kyle, taking a step forward to pick up Emily.

"How is that possible?" Asked Luke at the same time their Alpha growled in warning to Marc to step back.

Kyle took a deep breath, trying to collect himself from the shocking news.

"You heard me well. Emily is my mate. I feel a pull toward her and my wolf is being really protective of her." Kyle said patiently looking to his second and third in command.

Marc was ready to try and take Emily from Kyle's arms but Luke stopped him, grabbing him by the shoulder.

"This is some sick joke. She is a baby, Kyle. And you what?? Twenty three?" Marc growled. He knew Kyle wouldn't do anything to the girl, but he felt he had to protect her anyways. Oh boy, three men already at the mercy of a sweet little pup. Emily started crying again with the dense atmosphere that surrounded her. She was a baby but she could sense when the tension grew.

"Shut up Marc, you are making her cry. My wolf doesn't like that. And you know too well that I am twenty now and that we slow our aging process at this age. In eighteen years, I will only have twenty-three." Kyle defended.

Luke, in this kind of situations, was a joker. He couldn't handle a serious moment without saying the most absurd thing.

"You have no luck in life, my friend. I have to say it. You have to wait to mark her or be with her." Luke laughed. He was concerned about the baby and possible future Luna of his pack. With who would she live? How could they take care of her?

Kyle sent Luke an icy glare. How dare he insinuate something like that? The last thing that could run through Kyle's thoughts was to mark the little girl or something more. That was disgusting, even the simple joke. He wouldn't admit that. He let out a angry growl and Luke recoiled.

"Don't be stupid. The last thought I have right now is about the mating process. I am concern for her happiness and health. I won't force her to mate with me when the time arrives. That will be her choice." Kyle spoke, looking both his friends in their eyes so they could see the honesty of his words.

Marc tried to pick Emily again and Kyle's eyes went black in a second and he growled menacingly, making him retreat.

"I won't permit anyone to take her from me. Now, she must be hungry and we are here in the middle of the cold forest arguing. Let's go to the pack house." Kyle replied turning around.

"Ok Kyle. We won't take her but this is weird, nonetheless. Maybe when she is eighteen it won't seem strange anymore." Luke shrugged as if with the movement he could put the problem at hand behind his back.

Kyle looked around and his eyes landed on Emily's parents. Sadness reached his soul.

"I thinking it would be best for her if she lives with us, in the pack house. It will be safer that way. Luke tell your sister to meet us there so she can teach us how to take care of a baby. Tomorrow we will go shopping for some clothes and the basics for Emily. Now, we will take her home and ask someone to clean this mess."

Marc and Luke nodded in agreement.

"This poor creature lost someone important today and we will make sure she won a new family in the same night. I will ask Bill and the other to clean the bodies." Marc informed Kyle while mind linking the pack warriors.

"Make sure they bury her parents with dignity. As for the rest of the bodies, they can burn for all I care." Kyle voice was full of authority and venom. He was glad he had killed the rogues. They tried to kill his mate. He would find out who they were and why they were after her. He would make everything to keep her safe.

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