Chapter 29

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Chaos erupted all over the room. Brandon started yelling, Jake walked to John, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him, probably to see if the guy was joking or not. John was babbling about something related with rogues and a man that could put Freddy Krueger to shame.

Kris and Emily were the only that remained quiet. Kris was paralyzed with fear and Emily was completely lost in her thoughts.

Eventually, the boys started to calm down and the cabin returned to it's normal silence. For some minutes, nobody said a word, no one wanted to bring their thoughts out loud. They were all scare, except for Emily. She was more determine than ever. Why? Because she knew that the man that now was in charge of her first pack, was the one responsible for her parents death. She could feel her cells boil in determination. Determination to go there and kill the bastard for taking so much from her.

"I have to go there..." She whispered more to herself than to the others.

"Are you insane??" Brandon yelled angrily.

"You are completely crazy! Do you have a death wish?" John remarked.

"Em, it's dangerous. What are you planing to do?" Kris looked so scare that she seemed to be ready to bolt out of the cabin and run to her mate's arms.

"I have no choice. I heard that eventually my wolf will start to search the pack. I felt that something was missing from my life and now I know the reason." She took a deep breath to calm down before speaking again.
"That night John, the night you were attacking our pack, I was in the forest because my wolf was sending me there.  I was going to venture further but you showed up."

All the werewolves present looked at John as if he was the enemy. The poor guy seemed to wish to vanish from there at his first opportunity, so Emily walked to him and put herself between her angered friends and John.

"I think he had no choice but to be with the rogues. I can feel he is a good person and won't do us harm."

John stared at her with reverence. He cleared his throat to speak and when he did, the others listened his words.

"I hadn't no pack, since I was just a pup." He started, but Jake interfered.

"You are still a pup!" He snorted.

"Shut up Jake!" Emily growled, annoyed.
Her gaze traveled to John then.
"The current Alpha of that pack found me starving and gave me a ultimatum. Or I would join the others to retrieve Emily or I would be killed. He offered me to join his pack afterward."

When he stop speaking, only silence filled the small space. Emily broke it with a question.

"Where are your parents?"

"Probably death. I really don't remember nothing about them." He stated.

"Emily, I think that what you want to do is dangerous. I know the man and he is a bloodthirsty son of a bitch! If what you are saying it's true, and you cannot control your wolf from digging and find the pack, I won't let you go alone. You were the first in this pack to forgive me. You are the only one that could have killed me because what I did to you, but you didn't. I will follow you there, I can show you where the pack is, but you are not going alone!" John said, raising to his feet.

All others were watching them with serious faces. Jake was the first one to join the crazy adventure.

"Hell yeah! Count with me, baby! I'm tired of this boring life. Let's kick some asses out there!" He exclaimed, making Emily laugh.

Kris was the next one.
"I hate where this is going, but I won't leave you alone with a horny wolf..." She looked at Jake. "And a complete stranger..." She looked at John.

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