Chapter 11

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"The second part of the tests will be fighting in human form. The rules are simple. Don't inflict lethal injuries and don't shift. You have to control your wolf well to do that." Marc powerful voice said.

The remained teens looked around to see their opponents.
They made new groups and began fighting. Emily's first opponent was a girl taller than her but she couldn't fight well. Emily made her submit easily. In less than five minutes she managed to take the girl to the ground and pined her down with her body preventing the girl to get up. She could see the frustration in her eyes when she admitted her defeat.
The second proved to be a bit more difficult. It was a guy and he was strong but she was faster than him. They shared some kicks and punches but in the end she managed to kick him in the head making him dizzy. He fell on his butt and Emily jumped tracking him down. She let out a powerful growl. She had alpha blood and with her actions she was making him submit. He exposed his neck in defeat.

Marc and Luke were observing the fights and could not be more surprised when they saw Emily overpower one of the males.

"You trained her well Matt, I have to admit it." Marc said turning to Emily's father.

"I know." He replied with proud. His baby girl had grown so much that sometimes he looked at her in awe.

The third person was also a male but he was too confident of himself and when Emily kicked his stomach, he shifted to his wolf, consumed by anger. He was disqualified and went home. The last, was one of the two guys that had run with her, the shorter.

He didn't care if she was a girl, he intended to show her her place. He lunched to her fast. Emily dodged him with some difficulty. He didn't wait for her to gain her balance. He kicked her hard in her teats. It hurt a lot and with rage Emily went to his balls. She kicked him hard and smiled at herself when be bend down with his hands between his legs.

Yeah that hurts a lot, hum? That's for doing me the same.

He looked at her, his eyes black. He tackled her down hard, her back colliding with the grass and grabbed her neck preventing the air to enter her lungs. She began struggling but his grip was like stone, preventing her to get to her feet. Black spots began to appear in her line of vision. Suddenly, the male was throw out of her and she breathed fast trying to make the oxygen enter her body.

Matthew went crazy when he saw the boy strangling his daughter. He thew him from her and growled in his face. That almost make the guy pee on his pants, but he didn't.

"She is weak!" The boy yelled.

"So weak that she was able to kick your balls?" Marc asked beside them. Luke was helping Emily up.

The boy remained quiet.

"You are out!" Marc said. Emily walked to them.

"No! Fight won't be always fair or clean and all of us know that he is a good fighter. It would be a shame if we lose someone like him." She said looking at Marc in his eyes.

They were silent for some time. The boy was looking at her with a mix of emotions. Shock, shame and respect.

"You are lucky that she defended you, but it won't be a second time." Marc said walking with Luke and Matt to see the other fights. Matt growled one last time to the young male.

The boy turned to Emily.

"Sorry! I was an ass to you. Thanks for defending me." He said bowing his head.

Emily shrugged.

"I only said the truth." She smiled at him. It was true, the male knew how to fight and outside the fight, he seemed nice.

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