Chapter 10

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Knowing the trials would be the following week, Emily asked her father to train her. She would have five days to prepare for the big day. In the mornings, she would go for a run with Matthew. In the afternoon, she would train her fighting skils. Her brother, Jackson, would join them in their practice. Every night, when she arrived home, her mother would have a special meal at the table, waiting for them. Those five days, Emily was too tire to go out with Brandon and Laura. After eating with her family, she would go directly to bed, crashing against the pillow and falling asleep instantly.

Monday arrived and Emily woke up early and full of energy. She took a quick shower and saw some clothes on top of her bed. She put them on, realizing it was some blue shorts and a white tank top. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
Today she had to impress Marc and Luke since they were the ones responsible for the tests and evaluation of the new recruits. Even Luke being her uncle and Marc a good friend of her family, she knew they would be impartial, so she would have to be at her best if she wanted to have a place among the warriors.

She took breakfast with her parents. Carol had prepare pancakes with strawberries and syrup, her favorite.
Matthew would go with her since he didn't have patrol.
"I told your mother to give you those clothes. Believe me when I say that you will thank me after the first test." He father said winking in her direction.

Emily looked at him, wanting to know more about the evaluation but knew he would just tell her that she was prepare and she would pass without problems.

They arrived at the pack house before nine and waited to Luke and Marc to show up. At home, Emily had not been nervous but now, seeing the other young werewolves around her, the feeling was forming and becoming stronger in the pit of her stomach. A few of the current warriors were there too amongst with the aspirants. Their faces were like masks, not letting the youngest know what they thought about them.
Emily looked around, trying to find Brandon in the small crowd but he was not there yet.

He arrived shortly after she had finished scanning the werewolves presents in front of the mansion. Thinking about the mansion, it was huge, with three stores, but beautiful and elegant at the same time. The white stone was like a magnet for all eyes. From the big windows made of dark wood, Emily tried to take a peek of the interior of the building but it was impossible. The glass was like a mirror, revealing only her reflection. Brandon walked to her side and gave her a small hug.

"Where is Laura?" She asked.

"She is with Misty. She wants to become a doctor." He replied proud of his mate.
Since school had finished, the young teens would start looking for jobs. Some would go to college outside the pack boundaries, but those were just a few. Most of the teens, would start working at the few cafes and bakeries of the pack, at the farms beside the pack borders or even at the hospital as nurses or doctors.

"Well I'm not surprised. She had always have the ability to calm people and take care of them." Emily said.

Before they could speak more, Marc and Luke got out of the house and made their way to the big impatient group. All conversations ceased at the sight of the Beta and third in command. Their power was evident with each step they took and the respect was visible.

"Let's get to the field behind the pack house." Marc said to the anxious faces.

They went in the direction of the big field, the same where all warriors use to train during the afternoon. They paused in the middle, the teens made a line and the warriors made another in front of them. Emily's father winked at her before joining his friends. Silence stretch between the two groups, till Marc's voice broke it.

"First of all, welcome. You are here to prove to us that you are worth a place between the warriors. Not all of you will join us, not all if you are worth to be called one. I will explain the tests for you, both physical and psychic." Marc spoke loud to the twenty teens around.

A guy with blond hair ran to join them.

"Sorry for being late." He said heading to line with the others.

"You can turn and go home boy. It's crucial to warriors to be punctual. All the others were here at time. You are ten minutes late. If you desire to participate, you will have to do it next year. Oh... and next time be here at nine." Marc said sternly.

The boy's face showed pure shock. He huffed and turned to go home.

"Now, the first test is about resistance. You will run for two hours straight without stoping. Our warriors will run with you to see who stops. Whoever stops, is out. Understood?"

"Yes Sir!" The group replied.

Emily looked around eying her opponents. There were twenty people and most of them were males. Only four females were there with hopes to help ensure the security of the pack.

"Form four groups of five. One of us will join you." Luke said.

All teens made groups. Emily was with one girl she only knew from seeing her at school, Brandon and two other boys she had never seen in her life. They appeared to be older one or two years comparing to her and it seemed that it wasn't their first time doing the tests. The taller of them radiated power just with his look.

The girl was small with black curly hair and had brown eyes. She looked at Emily and walked to her side.

"Hi! I'm Christina but everyone calls me Kris." She said smiling and giving her hand so Emily could shake it. Emily smiled at her and presented herself. The other two remained quiet. Only Brandon spoke some words with Kris.

After the groups were formed, one of the warriors joined them. He was tall but not so tall as Kyle and he had broad shoulders to give him a scary appearance.

"Lets go." He said and started running at a quick pace, not waiting to see if the teens had join him. Emily was thankful for her father advise of clothes. Now she understood the reason for such comfortable outfit. The day was hot and soon, sweat began to form on her forehead.

They were running for what seemed like one hour and a half when Kris's foot got entangled in a root and she fell to the ground. Emily saw it and went to her to help her to her feet. Brandon looked at them and Emily made him a sign to continue. The warrior that was accompanying them looked at her and stopped. He didn't say a word. The other two guys continued along with Brandon.

Kris thanked Emily and they resumed running. Emily was not sure if she had seen the serious and quiet man nod at her for helping Kris.
The two hours were over and they returned to the fields where they would join the other groups.

When they got there, some of the groups didn't have arrive. The man that had supervised her group went to Luke to give him his report. They waited and when all were present, Luke said he would call some names and those would be out of the tests.

"Antony Trent, Carmen Woods, Joffrey Samuels..."

In the end, the group was composed by fourteen people. Six were sent home.

Matthew looked at Emily and winked. He had helped her train when she said she wanted to be a warrior and she could see in his eyes that he was proud of her.

Emily sighed relieved that Luke hadn't called her, Brandon or Kris.

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