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Arabel's POV


ampness forms beneath my arms at the question. It makes me wonder if he is seeing underneath the pretences and how many doubts he has about me being Arabel.

He looks a bit upset. Perhaps upset that I am pretending to be someone else.

Last time I checked, the one who was used and dumped like a piece of rag was me and I am the one who has every single right to be upset, mad, infuriated and angry.

He has no right to be.

I never thought I would see him again. Not after all these years when he doesn't even know he has a child with me. I was hoping it would be a secret I would keep till the very end.

Just when I was healing. Just when I was getting to forget about his existence even though Daisy reminds me so much of him, he showed up.

If Daisy had been a boy, he would have been a carbon copy of his father.

For a second, I am grateful for that. Daisy looks more like me but she has her father's eyes and hair.

Blonde hair. Blue eyes.

His eyes are staring intensely into mine, the coldness in those eyes like I used to remember is gone. He seems to be reading through me.

“Aren't you tired of pretending already? If you aren't, well I am. And I am really sorry for what happened…”

“Mr Giodano”, I call calmly, forcing myself to wave my inner emotions away and focus on his face. Shaking my head, I mutter. “I thought you knew my name before offering me a partnership? Why are you bent on giving me another name?”

I try to smile but it falters.

“My name is Bella Portillo. If you can't call me by my last name, my first name would do. Don’t just change it again.” Ice drips from my voice. I know I am letting my emotions show too much but I can't help it. He keeps getting on my nerves.

In the short time that I have been here, I have tried to be unaffected by his presence. For a brief second, I thought of bursting out, letting everything out and yelling at him for his betrayal.

I thought of telling the truth, telling him that I am indeed Arabel but it scares me.

What will happen next? Isn't he going to question if Daisy is his child? That scares me more than having to lose this contract.

The contract is also important. And the truth can not be hidden forever.

Even if I want to tell the truth about my identity, then it should be after the contract has been signed and there is no going back for both of us.

With a nod, he looks down at the document and when he gazes back at me, the anger is gone. It is now replaced with an expression I can't place.

But he looks serious.

“The partnership is going to be for five years' ', he begins and the door opens to reveal Ashley peeping in. He signals to her to enter and she does so quickly, taking a seat and grabbing the documents. “The company has offered a 30% share for every earning every month. Ashley here will tell you every other thing you will know. Also, work starts immediately.”

I raise a brow.

I didn't expect everything would be this short. Is he affected by my presence too and can't wait to get rid of me? Is he feeling better about what I said to him?

I also have questions to ask him but I guess it is better this way. I will ask Ashley but the most important is about my trip to London tomorrow.

I clear my throat, trying not to make things awkward, even though Ashley is strangely staring at me.

CHASING MY EX-WIFE Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz