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"But it says Wonder Woman?!" Stacy was right, her tee shirt fit him just right. It was the just the false advertising stenciled across the front that Dana took umbrage at. And this was just the tip of the titanic iceberg. All his cloths were wrong. Not that the official camp uniform was that bad. It was just that it was...girl's stuff.

First off, his khaki shorts were way too short. Looking at him going they looked every bit the de rigueur summer short. Seeing coming looked exactly like skirt. Skorts is what the girls called them. Worst, the zipper wasn't in the bow where a feller could wrestle with it. Instead, it was tucked away at the stern.

Now, his regulation tee shirts were a bright orange with "your name here" on both sides. The sleeves were roomy, making Dana's skinny arms look even skinner. The neck kind of swooped, showing lots of neck and chest.

Bu the biggest insult was that everything fit him to a tee. In line, waiting for his chow, he fit right in, indistinguishable from any of the other girls at the camp. Nobody even gave him a second glance or commented other than, "Please, pass the salt." Dana was of two minds about himself playing the star in 'The Princess and the Pauper.' He was glad that the girls' awkwardness, hesitation, and restraint had vanished. He no longer felt embarrassed or excluded. What kept him up most nights in terror was that come summer's end, he'd be back at Lauderdale's Boys' Academy.

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