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'Why should I feel blue?' Dana mused.

He had not one but two best friends. Both of whom thought he was totally awesome. The brilliant memories they had built over the months, each would cherish for a lifetime. They had all grown up little together, each helping the other to become a better person, a better and more genuine understanding of themselves.

And as foretold by Director Campbell on the mishap of his arrival. The three had won top honors for their computer science project among the girls.

And against the boys?

Well, what they presented blew everyone's mind. Lossing boys, winning girls, and grownups stood and applauded when the Directors from both camps awarded the three brilliant young ladies the 'Best-of-the-Fair' award.

Stacy and Abigail primped Dana for the big dance. Stacy spun his already gold hair high atop his head. Abigail did his makeup, her face scrunched up in effort, as she lauded his unalloyed perfection. Each girl lent something old and something new and something borrowed. Dana lent his humble and grateful nature, reveal through the majesty of his celestial blue eyes.

When he sashed into the recreation room, Amanda in began in awe, "You look..." Only to have words fail her.

"I know," Dana smiled. He knew exactly what he looked like. He looked like his mother in her high school prom picture– perfect skin, gorgeous hair, and petite and slender.

All the girls sat around giggling, waiting for the boys to arrive. And the boys took their sweet time getting there. As if their regal preparations eclipsed that of the fairer sex. Once they made their entrance the music and fun kicked in.

Abigail and Stacy had been through this before, so they knew the ropes. They even knew some of the guys from last year's soiree. The French for an elegant evening party.

"Eric and Scott," Stacy said, to the twin boys that loomed over them. "This is our bunkmate, Dana."

"Damn," Scott grinned pushing in front of his brother. "You girls sure are lucky to see this vision every day."

"Glad to meet you," Dana said, his voice sounding oddly soft and regal to him.

"Would you like to dance?" Eric didn't even wait for an answer. Instead, he took Dana by the hand and led him out onto the crowded dance floor.

And what did Dana the ever the wallflower do? Why, he danced his little buns off. Other than once to take a pee, he never parted from the dance floor. It had become as dear to him as each breath. And every boy wanted to dance with him.

He put it down to their appreciation of his well-honed dance artistry. That indeed was true, but only in part. What the boys most accounted themselves fortunate of was putting their hand on his ass and looking down at his tits.

He didn't mind all that much though. He'd decided that he loved dancing. And even though pretty much all the boys sucked. He much preferred his camp mates. 'But' he reckoned. 'Without someone to twirl you round what's a girl to do?'

He lay awake on his bunk that night tired, but somehow still excited. Besides him the soft breathing of his two friends mixed wonderfully with the beauty of the waning summer's night.

'Tomorrow,' he admitted sadly to himself. 'Camp is over. And my parents will take me back to the big city. And I will return to my prep boys' school like none of this ever happened. Like it was all some Midsummer's Night Dream.'

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