EIM PART 2- Chapter 27: Alpha Kipper Dot

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I am so excited, there is only 2 more days until Kipper and his buddies get back. The whole pack is excited. I haven't said anything, but I have started to get a worried feeling lately. I hope they get back on time. Some times is may take a bit longer if the other wolves don't accept them. If not, the other thought would be that they didn't make it.

I kept this thought to myself for a while, but I shared it with Mary when they didn't come back on time. She assured me she felt they were safe. Oddly enough, I trusted her, and her words made me feel at ease. She would invite me over often, I think she started to worry as well when it had been over 2 weeks, and they still were not back.

I am almost ready to head out there and see if they are okay, but then it would ruin everything. I have to trust the process. I hate when I am frustrated like this. To kill some time, I think I may take a shower and then go out tonight. I am sure Mary would like some company.

I take my dress off and place it on my counter. I place the rest of my close on top and get my water to the perfect warmth. I get cozy in the tiny bath and start to shave and clean my body. When I'm done, I turn the shower on and unplug the bathtub. I wash myself up again, but the shower rinsed me off better. I finish and wrap my towl around me, then get out.

I make my way to my bedroom and crank some music. I throw my dirty close in my basket and dance a little. I get my underwear and shorts on, I go to put my bra on, and I hear someone say, "Oh shit, I'm sorry." I was so shocked, but I quickly put my bra on and raced for my shirt. My brain registered that manly voice. It was him. He was alive, and he made it back. I ran down the short hallway and jumped into his arms.

"Oh, I missed you so much." I gave him a little push when he put me down. I asked him, "What took you so long?"
He smiled the one I missed so much and said "Well the wolves were not keen to having me around. The first week, we had to find a way to make sure they didn't just attack me. Then, we slowly found different ways to get them to tolerate us. By the end of he 3rd week, we finally got them to accept us. Then we had to finish the rest of our time with them. It was definitely something." Madusa started jumping around in my head. She was overjoyed with Kippers' story. "We must get you to Mary. She has been so worried about you."Are we going to ignore what just happened?" He said, flirting. I raised my eyebrow and said, "Do you?". With a cocky smirk, he came up to me and whispered, "I have seen you before, remember." With that, he turned around and waited for me at the front door to my house.

I was so embarrassed remembering that night. I had only been here three weeks, and I got my heat. I was alone in this one, and I sat in my hut drinking and taking ice baths. It was so painful. I tried to focus on a movie, but I could smell something amazing outside. I was so distracted that I didn't realize an older weak male was approaching me. I turned to get away, but the guy came to my door and put his foot on it. Not wanting his touch, I yelled for him to go away. He was taken over by his wolf and wouldn't listen. Just then, kipper showed up and tore the guy from my door.

He had the man chained in the control area of the village. It was used to uncontrollable young wolves and males induced by a females heat. When Kipper came back, I was so great full. He doesn't get affected by it  privilege on his end. He asked if I needed anything, and Madusa kept trying to flash through. I could tell my eyes kept changing, and Kipper looked confused. I took a step to him my head a fuzzy and in a lustfull haze. He took a step back, and when I came back in control, my clothes were off, and I was in my bed. Kipper came into the room and explained that my heat had taken over. He manipulated me to meet him in my room, and he locked me in. I was grateful but so embarrassed. We swore to never bring it up again.

I have always respected him for that. He knew I was trying to wait for my mate. Also, it would have made our friendship awkward. Back to reality, I was a bit pissed so I charged at him and hit it several times joking around.

We finally got to Mary's, and she was overjoyed. She would finally get to use the decorations she got for his Alpha Ceremony. She had already got all the guys outfits. Larry and Garry, and Kipper all had to white shorts and dress shirts. They were catching up when I excused myself to get ready.

I wore a long black dress that flowed perfectly with my body. My makeup was done more naturally. To finish off, I had black heels that sparkled. I felt amazing, and I was so excited about the ceremony. I said my hellos to everyone when I got to the village Square. It's where we gather to have meetings or parties. The village square looked just like it sounds a big square. It had a stage with a podium and mic. The ground was grass, and there were chairs lined up for tonight's event. Mary did such an amazing job decorating the area. She added flowers around the chairs and stage. There was a table with a brass bowl and an object I assume is the knife for the oath.

People started to take their seats when Mary took the stage. "Thank you all for being here. I want to say that I am so proud to raise a boy into the man who is now our Alpha. He has proven his worthiness by completing his initiation. Now Kipper, Larry, and Garry take the stage." They all can up the stage and stand in front of the table. Mary stood behind the table.

Kipper spoke loud and clear and told the crowd, "I Kipper Dot, sware my Loyalty to the Looner Moon pack. I take the role of Alpha. " He then cut his hand with the knife, and Marry captured his blood in the bowl. Kipper then went beside Larry and took his hand. They both look at the crowd, and Kipper said, "I Alpha Kipper Dot accept you Larry Pinkter as my Beta of the Looner Pack. Do you accept?" Larry looks stern and replied "Yes" Kipper cut Larry's hand, and again, Mary caught the blood in the bowl. The same thing happened for Garry to accept the Gamma position, and he did.

When the finished Mary took the bowl and dipped her finger in it. She walked around to the guys and marked their forheads with a line. She then happily announced, "It is done!" The whole pack cheered with excitement and pride. Just then, the pull I had to this village vanished. It was gone.

I felt the next one start to intensify slightly. It was so weird that I faded to the background of the party. The reality was sinking in. I knew what this meant, and it broke my heart. I was so happy here. I made friends, and I had a purpose here. Now, I must leave and finish my mission. While I was in deep thought, I noticed Kipper in the doorway. "What's wrong? You should be happy for me. Come out and party, live a little." He said joyfully. "The pull has changed. I think you are becoming Alpha, which is why I had to come here." I confessed.

"What's this mean?" he looked so disappointed compared to earlier. I explained, "It means I must follow the pull and continue my mission. I wish you could come with me. It would make leaving here a bit easier." He looked like he had a million things running through his mind, and then her spoke up. "I have to help you on your journey. Remember my mother note. Now, in this case, it is to protect my pack. I must go with you and I will leave Larry in charge."

Feeling a bit guilty, I asked. "Are you sure this is what you wanna do?". Looking into my eyes, he confidently said "Yes".

We both packed our things, he made his arrangements to leave and we were on our way.

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