EIM PART 1- Chapter 8:The Cycle

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"Oh, you poor dear, you didn't have anyone to explain anything to you. Ok well lets start with the first issue. You passed out because of the pain of the shift to your human. The regular shifting will help with the pain and balance you and your dominant wolf. To shift to your wolf, just picture your wolf. or let her take over when you feel her presence is needed. To shift back to your human you must command your wolf this takes practice it will be tricky the first few times for you due to being in your wolf form she is a lot stronger then your human but with focus you can do it. Now, secondly, we have a cycle like a human. We have what a she wolfs would say a period. The only thing is ours are so much worse the pain, obviously, extremely worse. We bleed after if no child or children were made during the heat time. For about 3 days after. The heat starts at the full moon and last 3 days. Has this happened to you?" She asked, very interested.

"Yes, I have it had been the worst experience ever, and the males helped the other females, but not me. I think the alphas knew I was different somehow. The only release I got thru was when the other females were going thru the same thing we would huddle together it would help just slightly cooling me down, except the mated females or the ones that got help from the unmated males got almost an instant relief. I just sat around waiting for the females to help me out. Their cycles weren't as frequent as mine as well."

"Interesting. Well you will be glad to hear that you will have us to help you thru this first heat as human but you will have to tell us how to help you we have never tried huddling to help with heat. We can see the effect in humans and wolves for like a little experiment to help our future heats. When your mate is there, he can soothe it away with just a touch, but it does hurt after a while if he doesn't get more physical. Do you know what I mean?" What the heck is she talking about? Isn't him touching me physically enough, so I tell her. "No, I don't."

"Okay, well, more physical is when your mate may do more intimate things that make you feel aroused. But it's more or less you and your wolf will want to have sex."

"Oh my goddess, what?"He may ask permission to mark and mate you, which is normal. Some males don't ask and just claim what's theirs, but its disrespectful in this pack."

"What is marking and mating like?" I almost shout. "Calm down, we mated females have all been there. We were all like this too, but its fine marking is when you both mark what's yours by biting each other's necks in that one right spot, your wolves will let you know were it is. Now, for the mating, it happens after you mark each other or during the sexual act itself. This will seal your fait as soul mates. This means you guys will be able to be our Luna an alpha. Also, you get to have a private link between just the two of you. Once this happens, though, you are just meant for each other. If you cheat, the other will find out it the worst and most painful way." Nancy helped me to understand. It was awkward but good to know.

Xena purred at the thought of our mate taking us and claiming us for himself. Just then, I felt horrible pain in my chest like I was stabbed, but the pain gradually faded but didn't completely disappear. Nancy made sure that I was ok, I was on edge. I knew my wolf needed and break she was tired of giving me strength and wanted to go run and hunt with her energy.

Not being around her mate is just making it worse, I know this is because she has met him ready. It's an unknowing feeling that she can pick up on. Nancy said it's totally normal because the alpha is away, and my wolf needs him to calm her down. But I had to strengthen my human side as well. Nancy told me it was ok to fight the shift while I'm strengthening myself. Once I got the ok to leave, I was ordered by Dr. Percy and Nancy that I had to shift for a couple hours and then shift back. The part that scared me is that they want to try it more than once. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens. Nancy gave me time to myself for a little break. I had to take in the whole sex and marking thing. I have so many questions, but I'm far from comfortable to ask.

Nancy arrives about an hour later. She is currently making me get up and walk around the halls. I'm a little shaky, but I'm getting a lot better. "What is his name? Your alpha... My mate?" I abruptly ask. "Oh well, I think that is something he would like to tell you. He is probably going to want to ask you everything you know about, anything that he can just get to know you. You will be pleased with what the moon goddess has given you, as will he."I understand. I just wish I spent more time with him before he left, well awake, that is."I so know what you mean it like being addicted. I can spend all the time in a day with Darious and still crave and miss him. It's part of the mate pull." I take it he is the beta and her mate. Nancy told me he and Bobby candy mate were doing some kind of initiation so he could be the next alpha beta and gamma. I will ask more about it when I sort everything out.

Arriving back at my room, I lay back down on my bed while Nancy stretches my legs up straight up and pushes to pull the muscles until I can't take it. It's painful, but whenever she finishes, I always feel better. "Now, have you ever had any experience with any sexual partners. If not, do you know about sex and love making?" My face heats up quickly. I don't quite know what she meant, but she said sex. That made this totally awkward. She must have noticed how frightened and lost I was at what she said because she went to hold my hand. Funny thing my wolf didn't want me to pull back. I think I'm ready to have this talk now. I have a feeling she knows a lot about this subject and I'm about to be overly educated.

3 Hours Later

Oh boy, was I right. I can't even begin to tell you what I didn't know. I think I'm ruined for the rest of my life. I can't unhear what I just heard. Xena, on the other hand, was more than excited she kept trying to take over when explaining what our mate would do to us. She even went as far as to tell me something called kinks and fetishes, also there is acutal sex an oral sex saying some males like stuff like that. She told me her mate likes it when she... you know what? I don't even want to think about it again. I just can't it's all too much for me. Nancy takes the hint and giggles. "Let's take a break. I bet you wolf is dying for a run?" Just the mention of a run has Xena perked up.

"I am just going to get you a spare outfit we have to get us started an when I get back Dr. Percy will let us know for sure that we will be good to go." Nancy seems just as excited as me. Not even 20 minutes later, Dr. Percy is at my door knocking, making sure it was good to come in. I was finished dressing with no help this time. He took his time examining me. He made me stand up, stretched, his eyes lingered a little to long sometimes, shaking his head he asked me to do a few more things and then Nancy cleared her throat when she assumed, he should have been done. He snapped his head toward her, almost like he forgot she was here.

"Sorry....Yes, she is.. g... good to go for a run, make sure you get her to shift as much as she can take." He stuttered but finished his sentence strong and professional. Nancy and I show a knowing look. It's almost time for the full moon. He is getting affected because he is unmated, and I am unmarked by my mate, leaving me vulnerable to the unmated males when my heat does come. Nancy says when the heat sets, on the full moon, I can't be out of the heat chambers. We each get our own rooms. Nancy said she will show me after our run. The guards arrive, and he heads off.

So, hear I am finally outside for the first time since I got to the hospital, and it feels great. I take off my shoes and close feeling awkward being in front of Nancy but naked, in an open field far back behind the hospital. She told me not to be shy it's totally normal, and no one really comes back here. If she was a male, it would be a different story. Our mated males tend to get very possessive, she said. Finally, she instructs me to shift, and I take her earlier advice and focus on turning in to Xena. I push her from the back of my mind and allow her access. She didn't hesitate she gladly took control. My shift was quick and painless. I was a little shocked. I noticed Nancy looking at me in awe. Feeling a pull to rub my snout on her and rub my body to hers, she gladly accepts and shivered at the contact. Xena pushes her over and over again, trying to push her wolf out to play. Nancy is playing with my wolf, petting her everywhere. Out of nowhere, Xena barks loud, and I notice Nancy looked shocked and started shifting to her beautiful black wolf with white spots on her.

"How did she do that?" I herd a quite radio like sound in my head but without the loud scratchy noise, but I know that voice is Nancy. I decided to reply. "I have no ideal." Nancy shifted back and looked at me shocked. "How... how did you do that?" She questioned me. "What did I do?" I answer in my head like I was talking to the walkie-talkie. She looked at me again. "How are you talking thru mind link? You must be initiated into the pack, and the alpha hasn't accepted you yet. Also, your wolf forced me to shift. This... this just isn't possible." She seems confused and can't seem to make sense of it.

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