EIM PART 1- Chapter 20: Moving On

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So, as time went on, Chip took his place as king. He had an arranged marriage to the princess of pixies due to her mate passing away. They both weren't happy about the arraignment but did what they could to strengthen their town. They had two children together, both boys, and yes, twins. They both were born with the mark of the moon, resorting hope in the townspeople once again. With knew hope and two amazing children they couple slowly fell in love. It may not have been the soul mate kind of love, but it was a bond built by two people coming together from heart ache and pain. They helped each other heal and made a wonderful life with each other.

As for the future of the Town, it now rests on the shoulders of those two little princes. Will their fait be like their fathers or entirely different? Can they love a so-called mutt, or will they choose to lead their own life? Can their families guide them or pressure them and do the same as their father?

As for Mia, she is looking on with the moon goddess hoping for a better future. She was punished after she took her life. The goddess doesn't take kind to her children ending their life, but in Mia's fragile case, she could empathize why. One of her punishments was tortured her with the life she would have had with Chip.

The beginning was tough, but after a huge fight, she left and told him to just go back to his town and she would take care of herself. He leaves but can't go far, and he can't tell why. Their fights get so heated, and one day, that fight turns in to Chip kissing her.

His love for her was so strong after seeing all the fight in her. Mia gets curious about him and asks questions. He tells whatever she wants to know, and then he realizes he knows nothing about her. When she finally tells him everything, he gets hope to defeat the wolves that were after their town and fulfill the prophecy.

He realized how strong she was, and she felt safe with him. He brings her back to the vail and introduces her as the future queen and his mate. He would have helped her properly heal her wounds and she his towns. Mia would have formed her new pack, and his people would love and accept her. They would have had 3 children blessed with gifts from the moon goddess. Life would have had challenges, and a war with her ex-mate but nothing they couldn't overcome together, as a family. Their would have been peace and harmony.

After Mia accepts that she shouldn't have taken her life and grows as a individual the moon goddess forgives her. Mia now helps the moon goddes with the wolves who take their lives in the afterlife to show their spirits they can be strong and to look forward to another life.

When their lessons have been learned Mia reports to the mood goddess and shows her progress in each case. The goddess then decides if they deserve to return to earth for a chance to live a happy life with their mates or with their true soul mate. The best part is that in the afterlife, they find their true soulmate if they hadn't on earth, at some point. Sometimes they have to wait for their other half to meet them in the afterlife.

You see, fait chooses your one true soulmate, but the goddess can pair mates on earth if their true soulmate isn't earth bound. Only in the afterlife can their spirits truly know if they found their soulmate. Once your with the goddess in the after life your souls know who its equal is, and on earth you may find a chance mate were all the signs are their that they are your mate in that life time but they are not their soul mate. This is usually because they haven't been born or they are waiting in the after life for them.

If by rare chance a soul mate is found on earth, the heavens and gods and goddesses all know and celebrate that their souls were blessed enough to cross paths at the right time. Once a mate finds a matched mate they have a happy life. They are to souls that are attracted but not perfect for eachother. But when on earth its hard to tell the difference. Also, hey can't tell the between the two until they are in the afterlife.

In most cases the goddess sends them back to earth in hopes of them finding their true soul mate. When true soul mates meet on earth and enter the afterlife, they can then choose to stay together there or return and find each other again on earth.

Sometimes, the goddess won't give the couples a chance to be together in the afterlife if they are just finding each other for the first time. Mia was there during a waited return to earth and had to serve her punishment for wrongdoings in her past life. In Mia's case she was finishing up her punishment until the moon goddess sends her back to earth.

One day, when Mia is bringing back the files to the moon goddess, she bumps into someone. He was dressed in all black and didn't look like he belonged in the goddesss quarters. And there was the little fact that every bone in her body wanted to just jump this guy right there. He grabs her arms as if afraid she will run away and pulls her to him. Mia dropped the files she was holding; they scatters all over the floor. She can't pull her eyes away from this man. She tries to swallow, but it makes a loud backward noise.

He smiles gently at her and cradles her in his arms as he picks her up. He nestles his head in her neck and inhales her sent. With pride, he lifts his head and proceeds to the moon goddesses door. He opens the door and places her down. The goddess smilesbrightly at him, this mysterious man says, "It's time."

She waves her hand and chants a gentle hum. Mia looks at her mate, and he tells her "I will find you, my love. I have waited long enough for you, my precious." As soon as he finishes Mia, memories fade and darkness takes her.

That day on earth, three precious babies were born. The mysterious man was split into two souls due to his immense power he held. It was too much for one body on earth. He was placed into twin fairy princes, this kept him somewhat together. The other baby, a girl. She is born to a strong but hateful pack of werewolves.  She grows up tough but was born with a soft soul.

To find out what happens next, you must wait for the sequel.. Coming soon.

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