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[Hello this is Coast, due to some issues this chapter might take a longer time to finish, so im gonna share a sneak peak for now. Note that this isnt the full chapter and just the beginning of it. So come back some other time when i do finish it, and another thing. Also note that i didnt do this chapter alone and i had big help from my co-writer dino99995. Huge thanks to him for helping out in this story and making it better, as well as sharing his ideas. So if you like this story please remember to thank him as well. Alright thats about it, here is the sneak peak.]

The campers were struck with shock and fear after what had played out infront of them, they looked to their counselors for some sort of reassurement, only to find them just as lost as they were. They see the red robot slide after Uzi, V1 spectating and observing everything, and N is trying to prevent V from hurting Uzi, but V doesn't care and keeps moving forward.

N: V, we can't hurt Uzi!V: We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us-N: I don't know what you're talking about because you won't tell me! He forms a blade in his right hand and hits V's blade with it in anger

Everyone gasped in shock after seeing N do that, not expecting such reactions from the drone, even V1 was suprised that the usual cheery and joyful drone would stand up for himself for once. But the one who was most shocked was V, she couldn't form any words as she never expected N to even dare do something like that. For the first time she saw the side of a more serious N, one that wasn't as feeble and fragile she thought it would be. But unfortunately for her, the realization hits her as her biggest nightmares come to life. She keeps staring at N in shock, still trying to deny anything, but knowing deep down that it was all possibly going down hill now.

N: What're you so afraid of!?
V: I'm not afraid...! She points her blade at himN: he smacks it away I am! Uzi is! She's a kid, like us, V! What is WRONG with you!? His voice cracks as he shows an aggressive look of concern

V's expression quickly changes into one of worrisome and anxiety after he asked that.

N: sighs Look after the campers.

He tosses the clipboard to V but she doesn't catch it, leaving V1 to do it instead. N extends his wings and flies off to search for Uzi. Lizzy walks up next to V.

Lizzy: Hot. V is not amused Not hot? You're too good for him.

V turns to the other campers.

V: Do whatever you want.


She stomps off into the forest leaving V1 to deal with the campers. V1 had observed and watched this whole thing play out right before his one eye. He thinks for a moment and wonders what to do. He wanted to help N seeing as he was in a lot of stress right now and could use some reassurance. But on the other hand he couldn't leave the campers alone as their stupidity would most likely kill them or injured. After a moment of thinking V1 decided that the campers safety were his first priority, he wanted to atleast find a safe place for them to stay until he could find the others. V1 could only hope that his brother has this under control in the mean time, he basically put Uzi's life in V2's hands knowing how harsh he is, but despite that he decided to have some faith. Even though his brother was a thorn in the ass to deal with and was not really the sympathetic type, he decided to look at it from a different point of view, seeing it as a learning opportunity for V2. One where he could see the pain his friends were in and for once actually take notice. V2 was a shithead, not caring about anyone but himself. But still, V1 still had hope that his brother could show some remorse for the first time.

He believed that V2 could be less of an asshole. He believed that his brother could actually change, as far fetched as it may have seemed. With his final decision in mind he turned to the campers who were blankly staring at him. V1 wanted to gesture for them to follow him, but before he could he noticed Braidon trying to steal the bow from a unaware classmate yet again. Braidon is slowly reaching for the bow, he checks if anyone is watching. He looks up to see the yellow light from V1's head staring directly at him. Braidon's digital pupils dilate as he realizes he's been caught. He immideatly stands up right and nervously smiles at V1, trying to play it off.

V1 keeps staring at Braidon and wonders if anyone would notice if they left one drone behind.


V2 walks through the forest looking for Uzi, he follows the shoe prints she left behind in the snow as she was running away. While he stared at the marks looking at where they headed next, he noticed some of the marks were mismatched and jumbled up all over the snow. It seemed as if something was causing Uzi to stumble while she was running. V2 took note of this and wondered for a moment how badly did that Solver thing affect her. Considering it was able to somehow create a flesh abomination from thin air. He wondered what this thing could be and what was it capable of, something he should have researched at the terminal long ago but his undying need to satisfy his boredom didn't let him do so. V2 keeps following the trail until it came to a suddon stop, he was now at a dead end having no way of tracking Uzi. He looks around to see he was sorrounded by more cabins and trees, nothing out of the unusual. Until he hears something land behind him.

V2 turns around to see N behind him, who was looking for Uzi as well. The drone retracts its wings and looks around for a bit before noticing a familiar yellow glow.

N: Hey V2? Any luck finding Uzi?V2: Nope.

N sighs before a sad expression forms on his visor.

N: mumbling I hope she's okay....

V2 sees the drone saying something under its breath but can't make it out. He is about to make another one of his sarcastic remarks, but upon seeing N's depressed state he decides not to do. Because the only thing worse than an angsty rebellious teen, is a drone with crippling depression. He stretches him arms a bit before choosing to head away from N.

V2: Alright, well i'll see if i can find the purple midget.

He says before taking a lucky guess as to where Uzi could have went, and goes sliding in a random direction.

N: Yelling Let me know if you find her-!!

The red robot had already disappeared into the dark forest before N could finish his sentence, he sighs before trying to scan for any trail of Uzi, he luckily manages to find a few footsteps, only for them to lead to a dead end on the ice unfortunately. N looked up at the night sky and noticed it was getting darker which each passing minute, he needed to hurry up his search for Uzi. He looks around his surroundings again and decides to search one of the nearby cabins.


V2 was sliding at insanely high speeds, not even the huge piles of snow or trees could stop his immense force, by the time it was almost pitch dark he had already searched most of the area, sometimes even passing by his own sliding tracks by accident. By some luck, after some time he spots a cabin in the distance, and Uzi's snow trails reappeared and were leading right into it. But something was off...

V2 felt that something was wrong, especially after what had happened at the camp a few minutes ago. V2 takes out his core eject shotgun and starts approaching the door. He reaches for the handle and pushes the door open, noticeably barricaded from the other side. He notices something fleshy dropping down on the floor after opening the door, V2 stares into the darkness. He barely makes out anything due to his yellow lights not being bright enough to light up the entire room. V2 uses the built in flashlight in his optic to get a better view, he switches his neon yellow light to a brighter white color. This time things being a lot clearer now. But instead of Uzi, what had revealed to be hiding in the dark, was something far more twisted than he expected.

V2: Sarcastically Well that doesn't seem right.


N upon entering the cabin, notices a control desk with a monitor above, showing static. Curiosity piqued, he approaches and attempts to power up another monitor, only to witness it fizzling out. Drawn to the monitor emitting static, he discovers a VHS tape labeled "ZOMBIE DRONES" beneath it. As he touches it, snippets of flashbacks flood his mind, one featuring an unfamiliar Drone, another depicting a severed arm, and a third involving a menacing black hole with the text "[NULL]" present on it. Overwhelmed by fear and distress, he recoils in fear away from the VHS, with the flashback coming to an end right afterwards. He stares at the VHS, too shocked to say anything. Only pondering at what he just saw.



V2 busts open the wooden wall in order to gain some distance, he jumps out of the hole onto the snow. He looks back into the darkness where the monstrous creature lies, V2 tilts his head in annoyance at the fact he has to deal with another eldritch horror, and especially at the fact that it was Uzi of all people. He rests his core eject shotgun on his shoulder and patiently waits for Uzi to reveal herself.

V2: You know i'm really not in the fucking mood for this right now. So how about instead of me having to deform you into a modern art piece beyond recognition, we-

Before V2 could finish his sentence, a purple X emits from the darkness staring directly at V2, with warning symbols flashing before going back to normal. Uzi is heard laughing like a psychopath from within the cabin, her laugh is sinister and full of murderous intent. V2 keeps staring at Uzi waiting for the stunt she is about to pull off.

Uzi lunges at V2, the bright sky showing her true self more clearly now in that moment. While it was only for a second, V2 could see that Uzi had been mutated into a some sort of bat creature. Whatever this thing was it was obviously not Uzi, her teeth were now jagged and had a big pair of bat wings with claws on the sides, as well as a tail with an animal-like mouth. Looking somewhat similar to a Dissasembly Drone.

V2 however was not impressed

[Only gonna show this for now, but ill hopefully finish this chapter at some point. Have a good day]

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