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Mahnoor's POV:

Feeling disgusted by his touch, I rub my cheek with my palm again and again. Hoping it would erase the tingling feeling his touch left. After a while, it faded and started to be replaced with the pain of continuous rubbing.

I feel so ashamed of myself right now. How can I let him touch me...

He kissed you...!

My subconscious screamed.

"Ya Allah, why are you doing this to me? I feel like a sinner for not being able to stop him... I hate myself... I am sorry Allah... I'm sorry. I am not strong enough." I mumbled between my sobs and let all of my frustration out through my tears. I cried until I got exhausted and fell asleep.


Moosa's POV:

Silently sitting in the adjoining room to my bedroom, I heard everything she said and remain at my place until her sobs died down. Making sure when she was asleep I sat beside her on the bed to take a closer look at her face. Her eyes were swollen from crying as well as her cheek where I kissed. I shook my head and got up. 

 Idiot! She messed up her face...

Taking a cold pack from the refrigerator, I came back and put it on her cheek. Startled by the sudden contact of it on her skin, she opened her eyes and stared at me in horror before tried to move back, which she usually does and I didn't like it.

Not this again...

I quickly grabbed her arm, spun myself to sit behind her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders knowing she will try to wiggle free from my grip... and she did.

"Ssshh! Stay still... You will hurt yourself."

"Leave me." She didn't give up.

I wrap both of my arms around her, so she couldn't move but not tight enough to hurt her.

"I will if you let me take care of your swollen face."

"I don't want anything from you. Just don't touch me... get off."

I sighed, before pulling her even more. She froze as soon as I rested her back on my chest.

She weighs so light...

Her soft body in my arms, with heat radiating from it, felt like a perfectly soft and warm pillow. I inhale a deep breath and put my head on her shoulder. Her hair started to tickle my face, as her stiffened body provoked me even more. Overwhelmed by the moment and her closeness, I shut my rationality and snuggled my face in her silky hair.


Mahnoor's POV:

My body stiffened, even more, when he snuggled his face in my hair.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Trying... not to lose my remaining senses." He breathed out. I felt his breath on the back of my neck, sending shivers all over my body, making me more defenceless.



"I don't want to..."  

"Please." I pleaded.

I heard him sigh as he drew back but instead of leaving me, he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Stop wiggling, Noor... Stop running away from me." He sounds defeated, "It will make me chase you harder... You know, the Noor I fell for, the Noor I love, was always wrapped up in scarf and dupatta. But still, I found her breathtakingly beautiful... I often try to imagine how would you look without your scarf... the real you." His right hand caressed my left cheek lightly making me cringe.

"And now, when I see you... in real life and holding you in my arms... It is making me crazy... to the point where I feel like losing my sanity... So please be a smart girl, Noor and do a favour for both of us... stop being so difficult. It attracts me more... Don't back away from me. It makes me want to hold you close... Don't say to touch you. It tempts me to cross my boundaries and make you mine." He whispered in my ear and I felt like my breath stopped for a minute.

"Be an obedient girl and don't run away from me... But if you do, I am afraid things would end up in the wrong way... I might add one more sin to the huge list of sins I already have, but for you, my love... it will be a stain... a horrible nightmare which is going to haunt you every night until you die." The threat behind his calm voice was easily understandable.

"So, live a normal life here... If you need time, I can give you... If you want me to release your brother, I will... If you want me not to touch you, I will not. Until you're officially mine... This is the best deal I can offer you... Just because I don't like to see you cry." He kissed my earlobe.

"I don't believe you... you said you won't touch me just now... and still, you are..."

"So you're saying you agree to my deal?"

"N-no... I don't trust you." 


"You k-kissed me when I-" He didn't let me finish.

"It was a lie." He suddenly turned me to face him, looking straight into my eyes.


"Yes... I mean why would I open my gift before my birthday...? It will ruin all the excitement." He smirked, dropping his gaze at my lips. I quickly turned my face to the other side only to receive a low chuckle.

"So, what you say? ...Are you smart enough to accept my deal or should I do things in my way?" His tone of voice suddenly changed to a dangerous one.

I gulped and nodded, "But you will release my brother, right?"

"Anything for you, my love... anything." He took out his phone and called someone.

"Listen, leave Noor's brother tomorrow morning but make sure they won't leave town until I allow. I might need them in the future if things went out of my hands." He said, looking into my eyes.

I don't know if I had done the right thing but I have made my mind that I won't make my family suffer because of me.

After ending the call, he got up and say, "Lie down, I will treat your swelled face."

"I am fine. I just need some sleep." He seems to understand and nodded.

"Take your medicine and sleep. I will be in the other room. If you need anything, call me. Okay?" I quickly nodded.

"And tomorrow morning you can go back to your room... Good night, love." He said and left.

Wrapping the blanket around myself and close my eyes. My mind repeated all the things he said - His words, his whispers, his threats. I don't know why I didn't fight back...I don't know what affected me the most... his words or his touch.

I dig my nails into my pillow. The things he said made everything clear as day that no matter what I do, I will always be at loss and he will still get what he wants.

But I don't want to be here...

'It will make me chase you harder...'

I hate him! I hate him....! I rub my earlobe where he kissed earlier.

'It tempts me to cross my boundaries and make you mine...'

My body shivered in fear remembering his words.

He won't do that... would he????


Salam and hello everyone!
Lots of love and thanks for you guys... I never thought that this story will reach 1K readers and more than 100vote in just one month... thank if so many guys.

Back to the story now!
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