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Dear Diary,

It's been a week. Mama's family are very strict. I can't believe we actually move here. Mama told me that she was sorry for not telling me earlier about the strict religious rules. She knew that I would disagree into moving here. Like Duh!! I want New York!! But I couldn't go back without Mama.
Oh! My grandfather is one very old man. When he talks, I couldn't help feeling afraid of him. He had this strange aura. And he ignores Mama! I really wished I know what's Mama's real motive in moving here.
Mama told me today they are going to have a feast - they called it a kendari or something like that. Seriously, they're using alot of foreign language here. Ok I got to go. Mama's been nagging at me to help out in the kitchen.


Different types of aromas filled the air. One moment Sofea smelled fried chicken, another momentshe smelled a strong spicy smell which made her sneeze frequently. She watched as her grandmother instructed Aida into making a dish after another.

Sofea sighed silently when her mother made her peel a large bowl of boiled potatoes and cut it into four to be mashed up on a later part. She overheard her grandmother, Hajah Saleha said it's to make begedil (Malay potato patties).

Following her grandmother's instruction, Sofea threw in a cup of finely chopped cilantro and spring onions including shallots and mix them thoroughly. She seasoned it with black pepper and salt and shaped it into medium sized balls with the palms of her hands. She flattened it slightly and arranged it on a large plate which were then dipped into beaten eggs and fried them till lightly browned.

Sofea smiled to herself, realising that she had actually learned something new to cook although it's not quite healthy looking at how it's deep-fried in oil.

Then Aida asked Sofea to make her specialty - corn pudding. Sofea was stunt at the sudden request.

"Are you sure Mama?"

Aida nodded to her and turned to Hajah Saleha. "Sofea make delicious corn pudding. Do you have corns and milk Ummi?"

Hajah Saleha went into thinking position with her fingers cupping her chin and her eyebrows frowning. "I think so. If there are none, you can ask Uncle Aidil to get them at the shop around the corner. The mamak (a term for Singaporeans to call an Indian man who owns a shop) there sells everything. Very cheap too."

Sofea swinged open the fridge door and gasped at the inside of the fridge. It was filled with so many food and snacks. It's been almost a week since she lived here but she had never went into the kitchen to open the fridge. She had only stayed in her room and spend most of her time in the garden reading her novels. Anything that she needed, she could just ask from her mother or the maid.

She saw a carton of milk and bring it out. Then she searched the kitchen cabinet for a can of corn but found none.

"Nenek (grandmother) there are no corns here," Sofea declared as she turned to the elder. Hajah Saleha pulled out her walking cane and stood up. She held her palm up and Sofea accepted her grandmother's hand. She lead them into the huge living room where the maid was arranging the buffet table and getting things ready for the night.

Hajah Saleha looked up the stairs and shouted, "Aidil!!"

A few moments later, Aidil came down the stairs with a smile on his face. "Yes Ummi?"

"Can you help bring Sofea to the mamak shop so she can buy some ingredients for dessert?"

"Sure Ummi. Let me get my wallet first."

In God's Hand (Islam based) (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon