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Dear Diary,

I have no idea why am I thinking about him all the time! It's like he's always on my mind and never going away.

I don't know if this is what love feels like. However I'm sceptical about him even liking me. I mean we have not met but once, and he didn't even look at me.

On the other hand, I'm going to find a job tomorrow. I had no idea what job I'm looking for actually. Uncle Aidil advised to go back to school, but I just don't feel up to studying and going through exams again.

Wish me luck!




When Sofea flipped open the newspaper, she saw a few administrative job vacancies and went ahead to circling them if it requires sending a resume by email. She also did some calling if a number was stated in the advertisement.

But all of the companies that she called up either asked her if she had at least a diploma or experience in administrative position. Of course she doesn't. Her highest education was high school and then she stopped because she wanted to work. She had gone into waitressing and she loved it although she had come across a lot of fussy and ill-tempered customers.

"What are you doing Sofea?" Aidil enquired as he sat opposite of her. He placed a packet of Ribena in front of Sofea and a cup of coffee for himself.

Aidil was on vacation since it was June school holidays. June holidays in Singapore lasted for a month, same goes for December holidays. As a teacher, he was allowed to have his holidays too. But like most teachers, he had arranged a few days of remedial classes for his students.

"Finding a job," Sofea grumbled as she flipped to the next page. "They either asked if I have a diploma or experience."

"Don't worry. Insha Allah there will be one suitable for you."

Sofea twisted the Ribena's cap open and sipped on it. She thanked Aidil for the Ribena and switched on the laptop that had been sitting in front of her. Glancing up at her uncle, Sofea grinned sheepishly and asked, "Can I ask for a favor?"

"Sure, anything for my darling niece."

"Could you help draft a resume for me?"

Aidil raised an eyebrow at Sofea and nodded immediately. "Alright. I'll teach you."

After an hour of drafting and editing her very first resume, Sofea was impressed. Although there was not much information to add under working experience, she felt the resume was quite professionally done. All credits to Aidil of course.

Sofea decided to create a new email account and started sending her resume online. She had never done this before, so Aidil helped her in creating a cover page as well.

Time passed fast and it was already 12.50pm. Both of their stomach started grumbling for food. Haji Samad, Hajah Saleha and Jamila had gone out for a doctor check-up so there was no food at home.

"Want to go out and have lunch?" Aidil asked as he stood up from his seat.

Sofea nodded as she logged out and shut down the system. "Let's invite Dahlia as well. She said she's having school holidays now."



When Sofea and Aidil reached Dahlia's block, Aidil decided to stop for a visit as he saw Ariz's vehicle in the car park.

Sofea's heart immediately soared with exhilaration. Silently she hoped for that one person to be around.

Aidil reversed his car slowly into the parking lot and turned off the engine. He climbed out of the car and was about to lock the door when he realised Sofea was still in the car. He knocked on the window to get Sofea's attention.

Sofea jumped in shock at the knockings on the window. She did not realised her uncle had left the car. Embarrassed, she quickly scrambled out of the car as well.

As they walked towards the lift, a woman in her late thirties to forties approached them and gave her salam to Aidil.

Sofea groaned silently at the disruption. She was eager to go up to Dahlia's home and she almost ventilate from the excitement. Aidil introduced the woman as Dewi to Sofea and talked for a brief moment.

Dewi was beautiful despite her age. Her hijab was a simple slip-on but it was not long enough to cover her big chest. The long dress that she was wearing was figure-hugging. Sofea could see that Dewi was flirting with Aidil with the touching on the arm and giggling like a school girl. However it only made Aidil uncomfortable. Aidil had backed up a bit, but it only made Dewi stepped forward. Sofea sighed in relief when they finally said their goodbyes.

"Someone seems excited," Aidil mentioned when the lift door opened.

"Who? Dewi?"

"Not her. She has always been that way. It defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab," Aidil said as he shook his head in disbelief at the outfit that he saw just now. Then he gazed up at Sofea and grinned. "I meant you. You look excited."

Sofea blushed and shook her head, "No I'm not."

"Ya right. I believe you."

Sofea's face turned red at Aidil's sarcasm.

When they reached their destination, Aidil knocked on the black wooden door.


There was no answer so Aidil knocked again. He looked around and decided to sit on the stool nearby. The stool was placed in a way that whoever peek or open the door, they are unable to see Aidil. In a way, it seemed like Sofea was the one knocking on the door.

It took a while for the door to open. When the door flew opened, Sofea's breath caught in her chest.


Something in her stomach turned with pleasure the moment her eyes connected with Danial's deep brown mesmerising eyes.


A/N: Surprise! Hahahaha.. How's that? They are finally meeting!

I know this chapter is short. I had wanted to add one more part from Danial's POV but decided to let it sit in the next chapter.

Hope you enjoy the book so far. Have a great day!

In God's Hand (Islam based) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now