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Dear Diary,

Honeymoon period is over and we're back to work. I wished we could spend more time together.

Since being married, Danial had persuaded me to wear a scarf. Even when at home he said I should wear it because Uncle Aidil is around. Even to the washroom. Sigh. Initially I rebel, and then he started to bring a scarf everywhere we go, in case I rebel. It was kind of cute in a way but frustrating even.

Then Mama and Nenek intervened. They spoke to me about hijab, about modesty, about respecting own self. But what really touched me was that they mentioned about our husbands have to bear the burden their wives' sins.

I couldn't bear to let him received punishment for my sins. So I finally decided to comply.




"Are you done?" Danial asked getting snappy by the minute. He looked over to Sofea who was trying her best to don herself with the shawl. They were already late for work.

Sofea sighed as she turned around, pinning the last brooch. "Ok."


"This is frustrating. Honey, I need to get more of those instant hijabs. I only have two of it and I can't be wearing them every day," Sofea suggested as she pick her phone and placed it in her bag. She then went over to the windows and opened them slightly so that fresh air would fill the room.

"Ok. I'll ask my sisters to accompany you," Danial opened the bedroom door and went down the stairs. He saw that breakfast was fried beehoon and swallowed his saliva. He glanced at the time again.

"Danial. Have some breakfast first before going off," Hajah Saleha said, her mouth pouting over at the food.

"We're already late, Nenek," Sofea voiced out.

"Just a bit dear. You'll get hungry without breakfast. Lunch is still hours away."

Danial looked over his shoulder to Sofea and said, "The food looks tempting. Let's eat first. Five minutes tops, no later."

Sofea giggled and settled next to her grandmother. She grabbed a plate and started scooping beehoon and a piece of chicken drumlet on the plate. Then she passed it to Danial. She did the same for herself.

On the way to work, they encounter the train stopping on track and Danial was extremely anxious about it. His first appointment will be at nine in the morning and it's already 8.40. He had never been late before in his life.

He peeked at Sofea who was standing in front of him, squeezing through the crowd. Her frowning face shows that she was uncomfortable. Danial saw two men behind her, glancing at her and keep bumping into her. Danial placed an arm over her waist and grabbed her closer to him. He glared at the two men who quickly turned around.

"You ok sweetheart?" Danial whispered in her ears. She smelled of strawberry and the distance between them makes him wanting to just lie in bed with her - maybe more.

"I'm fine. Thank you. How much longer is this train going to be stuck here?" Sofea fumed, her head slightly turned up to Danial.

"I don't know. They said five minutes, but I think it's already ten."

"I think I should text my boss." Sofea took out her phone and started typing a text message. Suddenly the train jerked forward and Sofea accidentally drop her phone on the floor. "Shoot!"

Danial quickly bend down and picked it up. He inspected it and there were a small crack at the end of the phone. "Oh oh."

Sofea's eyes went wide as she saw the crack. "Oh no." She pressed a button and sighed in relief. "At least it still works."

The train started to move slowly and both of them sighed with great relief.

At City Hall station, Sofea have to get off. She looked up at Danial and smiled sweetly. "I'll see you tonight. I'm already missing you."

Danial heart warmed at her words. He hugged her once and whispered, "I miss you too."

"Ok I'm going now," she quickly kissed Danial's hand and went off the train before the door closes.


"Newly bride has arrived!" Someone from the office announced loudly. Immediately everyone surrounded Sofea, congratulating her. Well except for Chloe. Some of the ladies also counsel her on being a good wife. She almost rolled her eyes at the advice that they threw.

When she finally got away from them and safely reached her desk, she saw a box on her desk. It was the size of an iPad mini. There was a small card next to it too with her name on it. She opened it and smiled.

Congratulation again! I hope you like this small gift. But don't open it here.
Love, Kamelia.

Sofea turned around and found Kamelia waving at her from her desk.

"Thank you," Sofea mouthed and settled down to work. But her mind just couldn't get away from the gift. Curiosity got the better hold of her as she decided to bring the box into the ladies.

She went into one of the cubicle and closed the toilet lid so she can place the box on it. Slowly she opened the box, thinking what if it's a prank.

"Kamelia can't possible prank me with frogs or insects right?"

She peeked in the box and found a silky red fabric inside the box. She took it out and gasped. The fabric turned out to be lingerie.


She saw a small note attached inside the bottom of the box. It read:

Wear it every night - or even day,

And make babies all the way.

Sofea burst laughing, clutching at her stomach. "Unbelievable."

She quickly packed the things and went to her desk and opened the drawer. She placed the box in and stride over to Kamelia's desk. Kamelia looked up in surprise and mocked, "Yes, Mrs Danial. How can I help you?"

"Oh nothing. Maybe just to say thanks for the red gift that you gave me."

Kamelia laughed out loud and stood up from her desk. She hugged Sofea and whispered, "You know, if you wear it, I bet Danial wouldn't want to leave the bed for a week. In fact, soon you'll probably start vomiting with a huge stomach."

Sofea stared in surprise at Kamelia and shook her head to get rid of Danial's body out of her mind. "Seriously?"

Kamelia giggled.

"But really. Thanks. I'll be embarrassed to go in a store to get that kind of lingerie. It's so... porn type."

"Believe me. I wore a hat and sunglasses when I get this."

Both of them laughed out loud causing some colleagues to look over.

Chloe cleared her throat from her desk and gave a sarcastic remark, "An office is not a place to sit and chat."

Both Sofea and Kamelia rolled their eyes.

"Ok I better get to work," Sofea said as she started to walk over to her desk. Then she added with a loud voice, "We wouldn't want the lion roars, would we now?"


A/N: An update.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I had this write up halfway earlier but I went into depression. I lost my baby. But I'm ok now.

So I will try to update once a week or two weeks. InsyaAllah.

As usual, don't forget to vote!

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