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Dear diary,

We decided to have a double date with Kamelia and Raihan. It's going to be awkward but I'm looking forward to it.

Hope our plan in matchmaking them works. 😉



They entered his parents' house and saw an old-aged couple sitting in the living room with Abu Bakar. The ladies were in the kitchen while his dad was teasing them.

When they saw Danial and Sofea, Dahlia squeel in delight. She gave a huge hug to Sofea.

"Assalamualaikum little one!" Dahlia said as she rubbed Sofea's growing tummy.

Sofea and Danial exchanged glances.

"Dahlia stop rubbing her stomach. I don't think the baby wants to listen to your annoying voice," Danial teased as he swiped her hand off Sofea's stomach.

"Abang!" Dahlia frowned, hurt.

"Danial!" Ariz gave Danial a stern look and gestured over to the living room. "We have guests."

Danial pursed his lips and nodded while Dahlia stuck out her tongue at him. Sofea chuckled at the two.

"Like cat and dog. Always fighting," Farah exclaimed as she walked over to their guests with a tray full of cakes. Dina followed behind her and sat next to Farah.

"Have some cakes. Dina made them this morning," Farah beckoned to the three guests in front of her.

Without delaying, Abu Bakar leaned over and reached for a slice of chocolate rolled cake. He bite into it and gave a thumbs up at Dina.

Beside him, the elder woman laughed at him and reached one for herself. As she tasted the cake, she nodded in agreement. "This is delicious."

Turning to her husband, she said, "Abang taste this. It's really good. But not too much."

The man rolled his eyes at his wife and also had one slice. He nodded and took more.

"Abang," his wife warned him. She then turned to Farah and explained, "Hilmi has high blood pressure. I have to look after his diet because I know if I don't he'll just eat anything and everything."

"Ya. Now every meal Mama cooked is tasteless. Just because she insisted that too much salt is bad for the health," Abu Bakar added as he gobbled more cakes.

Sofea, Danial and Dahlia sat at the dining table where there were bowls of food. Sofea looked at the food and her stomach growled. She has not eaten anything since breakfast. Her breakfast was only sandwich with peanut butter and jelly.

"I'm so hungry," whispered Sofea to Danial.

"Then go and eat."

"Shouldn't we wait for the rest?"

Dahlia shook her head and said, "Everyone's eaten. Go and take a plate in the kitchen."

Not wasting any time, Sofea went to the kitchen.

Ariz grabbed a dining chair and bring it forward to the living room area which was mostly in the same room.

"Ariz, Farah, as we have discussed earlier. Next month we will send our relatives over for the engagement. I hope these two will inform us on the dates soon," Abu Bakar's father announced.

"Sure Hilmi. I'm glad that they have decided to get engaged rather then they going around without any bind," Ariz replied.

"Alhamdulillah. I'm excited for this," Farah smiled widely at them. "Aren't you excited too Khadijah?"

"Of course I am. Since Abu Bakar is my last child, and all my other children are already married. I'll be able to sleep well knowing all my children are happily settled down. No more stress thinking about them."

After much discussion, Abu Bakar and his parents left the house with much hope and promise. Dina was seen grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"So Kak Dina..." Dahlia started as all of them settled in the living room. "Ready to become a wife?"




As they get ready for bed, Sofea happened to glance into the full-length mirror. She stopped and pull up her shirt slightly to see her stomach. Placing her hands over it, she smiled.

"I still can't believe I'm 4 months away to become a mum. I don't know how to even hold a baby."

Danial came up from behind and hugged her, placing his hands on top of hers.

"You'll learn. And I will be there to help you out. I'm not really an expert though. But I have helped Umi with Dahlia when she was a baby."

"That was like 20 years ago!" Sofea laughed out loud, still looking at her stomach.

Danial chuckled as he laid a kiss atop her head. "Come let's go to sleep. We need to wake up early for the doctor's check up. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl."


"As you can see. That's the penis," the gynae said as she pointed to the screen.

Sofea glanced up at Danial and smiled in triumph. Danial grinned at her and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind at all."

After going through the scan, the gynae asked them to sit and asked if they would like to go for the abnormality test.

"The test is called amniocentesis which involves inserting a needle through the mother's abdomen to withdraw a small sample of the amniotic fluid for examination. The amniotic fluid contains cells shed by the fetus, which contain genetic information. Do any of your family members has an disablity?"


"Ok. That's good. However this test is not compulsory. It's your decision," the gynae add on.

"What is your advise, doc? When you look at the scan just now, do you think there's a need for the test?" Sofea asked as she placed a protective hand over her stomach.

"Frankly I don't think there's any complications with your baby. The detailed scanning looks good to me," the gynae smiled at her and replied with such positivity.

"Then in that case, I don't think we'll go through the test," Sofea decided, glancing at Danial who was listening attentively.

"Well then. We will see you again next month. You may wait outside for the recep to schedule for the next appointment."

As they were waiting for the next appointment, Danial held Sofea's hand and squeezed it. Sofea looked up and saw a smiling Danial.

"Well I guess we can start baby shopping after this," Danial suggested.

"Woohoo!" Sofea cried out loud, making a few couples around turned their heads. She wasn't going to bother about them. She was super excited to bring this baby into this world. And she prayed for a healthy baby boy, that's all that matters.


In God's Hand (Islam based) (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora