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His breath was caught in his chest when he saw Sofea in the outfit. She would look better if she had pair it with a hijab.

Somehow her outfit kind of matches his. He had on a black outfit with a red samping (A skirt-type adornment is also commonly worn with the Baju Melayu, made out of songket cloth).

Maybe Umi and Auntie Aida planned it, Danial thought as he scanned out to meet Farah's eyes.

Farah smiled sheepishly at him and gave him a wink. Danial shook his head as he glanced back at the girl who had attracted everyone's attention.

Indeed Sofea was very pretty but when people started praising her beauty, she shrinked back and denied gently. He caught her eyes and gave her a smile.

"Abang Danial!"

Danial turned his head towards the petite girl beside him. "Yes Lana?"

"Are you not listening to what I was saying?" Lana pouted as she folded her arms across her chest.

"What did you say?"

"I was saying are you positively sure that Sofea is the one?"

Danial glanced at Sofea who had went to sit with her mum and blushing away. His heart fluttered at the sight of her.

"Yes. I've made up my mind. She's the one."

With her question answered, Lana huffed angrily and walked away, leaving him behind alone. So he walked up to the group of people sitting around Aida and Sofea, and cleared his throat.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry. Can I borrow Sofea for a moment?"

All eyes fall on him. Sofea's eyes went wide with surprise, just like the rest of the aunts. Danial rarely spoke. He only speak when he was been asked a quesrion. He only listens and nodded his head. People would think he's such a shy boy.

Sofea looked at her mother, who in return nodded her head, giving the permission.

As Danial led the way to Hajah Saleha's small garden, he felt his heart beating fast. He beckoned Sofea to sit on a bench while he stood by, his gaze looking away from her.

"You looked beautiful today."

"Thank you," replied Sofea softly as she pushed her hair behind her ears.

"Would look better with a hijab?"

He glanced discreetly at her who had a surprise look on her face.

"Oh! I thought you dislike me wearing it? You know since you ignored me," Sofea mentioned subtly adding abit of sarcasm.

Danial chuckled at her outburst and turned to face her, looking straight into her eyes.

"Believe me. I couldn't get your pretty face off my mind that whole night. I can't even keep my mind focus on reading the Quran."



After the confession, Sofea couldn't help smiling and thinking about what he had just professed. She never thought Danial had a difficulty in that since he was a very decent and religious person.

As she walked into the room, she became more aware of the people around her. Some of them was happy to see Danial finally about to settle down, while some was not so happy that she was the chosen one.

She knew exactly who were them. Her uncle, Adam and his whiny daughter, Lana. She saw how Lana tried to speak with Danial but Danial never let her take control. Sofea saw that Lana even tried touching Danial flirtiously on his arm, but was glared down by him.

"The bride and groom is back," someone announced from the center of the living room.

Sofea gazed pass everyone's face and saw Lana rolled her eyes then she pouted her lips at her father. Adam had an angry frown; the same one that Haji Samad used to wear on his.

Sofea quickly looked away and stopped at her grandmother who had the biggest smile. She went over to her and sat next to her, hugging her grandmother's arm.

Danial who was still standing by the doorway, looked shy as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't act so demure Danial. If you were really the religious type, you wouldn't go out there alone with her."

All smiles turned downwards. Every eyes laid on Adam. Haji Samad growled at Adam's stupid idealogy.

"Am I wrong?" Adam frowned at the rest and shrugged his shoulders' nonchalantly. "I don't think it's right at all. You always have a chaperone around. But when it comes with her, you don't. Have you forgotten your morals already? Such a waste."

Danial clenched his fists in rage. But he told himself to stay calm as the Prophet (peace be upon him) have advised his a man to never be angry.

"Don't be stupid Adam! We are all here. What would they want to do out in the garden? Think rationally before you voice out," Haji Samad retorted as he stood from his seat.

"Why are you so protective over them? Aida left us years ago! And when she came back with her daughter, you were so eager to get her to marry to Danial! Is there something that you've been hiding from us?" Adam challenged his father as he stood up from his chair too.

Sofea saw them glaring at each other. Father versus son, who happened to look much alike each other. It's like a mirror image. The older and the younger version.

Sparks of hatred emerged from Adam.

"There is nothing to hide," Danial proclaimed softly as he walked over to both of them. "We are here today to ask for forgiveness from each other. It is the Eid. Not a time for fights and arguments."

Danial placed a hand on Haji Samad's shoulder and smiled softly. "Do not be angry. It's just a misunderstanding."

Haji Samad nodded and sat back on his chair. Then Danial walked over to Adam and touched his arm. "Uncle Adam. If you must know, I agreed to this wedding because Sofea was the one who appeared in my dream after I prayed Istikharah."

Everyone in attendance gasped at the little knowledge. The mothers of the bride and groom couldn't be much happier upon hearing that.

"Alhamdulillah," Aidil exclaimed with his hands up high as he looked up as if speaking to God.

Dear Diary,

Although I have no idea what had happened back there, but what I do know is : Danial confessed that I appeared in his dream! That make me feel good.

I kept having negative vibes about Lana. Even after Danial confessed, Lana don't seemed to care. She still come on to Danial. Frankly I felt like slapping her face.

I hope nothing bad happen during the wedding. Pray super hard for it.




Super duper sorry for the late update! I hope you like this chapter.

Next chapter : THE WEDDING!!!

In God's Hand (Islam based) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now