Chapter Three

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your comments and votes, I really appreciate them! I've been getting a lot of comments about how short my chapters are, I'm working on making them long. I hope you like it!


I was finally back from school. I rushed to the apartment to grab me something to eat since I rarely ate at school. It's not that I was afraid of my 'reputation' if I ate there, nor because I was fat, I was quite the opposite, actually. Some kids at school thought I was anorexic or bulimic or whatever it was that was around these days, but I was not. I just didn't like eating that much.

I unlocked the door hastily, dropped my backpack on the kitchen counter and headed to the fridge/freezer. I pulled my shoulder-length light brown hair up in a bun and opened the freezer. Pizza! I got  it out of the freezer and heated it in the microwave.

Yes, a microwave. I found that hilarious since my father was a surgeon, a heart surgeon to be specific, and I found it hilarious that my father was actually a heart surgeon.

I grabbed a slice of my hot pizza and took a big bite of it, cheese falling everywhere, it tasted so good!

I opened my backpack, with my pizza next to me, and took out my assignments for the day. Apparently, I got a C in Math, a B- in Social Studies, an A- in Science and a C- in English.

I heard the door unlock, Dad entered looking as robotic as usual, his brown hair was messy, his white shirt was crumpled underneath a V-neck navy blue jacket, his jeans needed to be thrown away. His face needed a bit of shaving, but somehow his facial hair sort of complimented his dark blue eyes, it still needed some shaving, though.

Dad saw the pizza tray, grabbed two slices and headed to his room, yes that was how it was in the Henderson household, and honestly I was okay with it...most of the time.

Sometimes I secretly wished Dad and I could make conversation, I never knew what he liked and what he hated, what his favorite color was, or what his perfect Sunday morning consisted of.

I sighed and continued with my homework, keep dreaming, Chloe.


I got out of the bathroom with my hair wet and fell on my bed, it was time to play Dr. Chloe The Shrink. Basically I pretended my conscious was a psychologist, it would ask me some questions about the day and I'd reply. It was a nice game to play.

So what happened Chloe?

Well, Dr. Chloe I hate the following people with all my heart: Steven Roberts, Marc Thomas, Sara Jefferson, Maria Steel, Michael Simmons, Jacob Field, Carry Wilde.


Because they're a bunch of idiots.

What did they do?

They slammed me against the lockers today.


You know how much I hate that question, Doc.

But I have to ask why, please answer me.

I don't know why, I guess it's because I'm a puny, dumb, defenseless, ugly loser.

Now, now don't say that about yourself.

Why not? It is true!

You're not dumb, you're smart, you're not defenseless, you're waiting for the right moment to stand up, and you're not ugly, you're beautiful.

What a liar.

Fine, don't come to me for advice in the future!

No, no! I'm sorry, Doc. 

Alright, I forgive you! How's everything with you and your father?

The same.

You know he loves you, right?

Yeah as much as a pig.

Don't say that, Chloe!

Why not? He hates me!

He loves you, he just doesn't know how to show it!

Twelve years is enough time to figure out how to show his 'love'.

Give him some more time, he is your father, your only parent.

By papers.

This is useless, let's go back to the incident today, I'd like more details.

Well, I was walking to Math and I felt hands slam me against the locker, they called me names, and they even took my money away. 

Did it hurt?

A lot.

Was this the first time?


Did anyone help you?

Nope, everyone was laughing. I am the school joke, I'm everyone's joke.

You're not.

Screw you.

You're loved.

Just shut up.

And with that,  our session ended, but Dr. Chloe left me a note before I slammed the door against her face, tell him, that note said.

I got up from my bed, tears mixed with water from my hair. I was going to do what Dr. Chloe ordered me to do, I never listened to her, so I ought to give her a shot.

I walked to Dad's room, trembling, partially because I was cold, and partially because I was scared. I knocked on Dad's door.

"What?" I heard him say.

I immediately regretted my action. Uumm there's some pizza left over, if you'd like," I said, trying to stiffen my shaky voice behind the door.

"No," he said.

I was about to leave when I took a deep breath and entered the room.

Dad looked at me surprised, "I though I told you I did not want any pizza," he said.

"Actually Dad, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Not now, I'm busy," he said, as he closed the door after me.

I hate you, Dr. Chloe, I hate you.

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