Chapter Ten

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David's coming, David's coming David's coming.

My mind kept repeating that sentence over and over. I contemplated whether to stay or leave, I went with the latter.

I grabbed a black scarf from my closet and unlocked the door, Dad was in the living room watching TV, I wrapped the scarf around my neck and left the apartment.

I walked carefully out of the apartment; hoping I won't run into 'him'. 

I ran all the way to Mania Zone, since it was my only haven.

I entered the dark arcade, filled with teenagers and middle schoolers, the music was blasting through uncountable number of speakers. The neon lights getting brighter and brighter with every step.

SpaceBalls was unfortunately taken. I saw a glimpse of Hunter, he was enthusiastically playing fooseball with a couple of teens. 

I felt someone poke my back.

I turned around and saw a brunette guy with his arm around a brunette girl. They looked about eighteen.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"Hi," I replied.

"My girlfriend and I wanna play air hockey, the thing is she thinks I'm always cheating and not playing fairly. So do you mind judging our game? We'll give you extra coins or something!" the guy explained while his girlfriend was laughing.

"Nope, not at all," I replied.

I followed them to the same table Hunter and I played matched on.

He fed the game some coins and roared it to life.

"Ready?" He asked his girlfriend while cracking his knuckles.

"Bring it on, babe," she replied.

"You, are you ready?" he asked me.

"Yep." I replied.

"Oh, I'm Zach, she's Amanda," he pointed out.

"I'm Chloe," I replied.

"Cool," he said. He hit the puck to Amanda's side, she hit it back hard in return, and he hit it as twice as hard, making it slide down to his goal.

"Booya!" he yelled out while raising both hands, and I couldn't help but laughed at his image.

"Did I or did I not score that fairly?" he asked me.

"You scored it fairly," I told him while laughing.

"Hey! Help a girl out here, Chloe!" Amanda told me.

"Sorry!" I replied apologetically.

They played for five minutes till Zach scored seven points, while Amanda scored five.

"It was a nice try," I told Amanda.

"Thanks, I know I'll beat him sometime," she said, resting her arm on Zach's shoulder.

"So, how many coins do you want?" Zach said while getting his wallet out.

"Nah, forget it, I enjoyed being the referee," I told him while shrugging.

"Come on, I promised!" Zach insisted.

"No please, I seriously enjoyed it!" I said.

"Fine, if you insist. Hunter! My man, hey," Zach said.

Hunter was right in front of me.

"Zach, no time no see! Amanda, hey," Hunter said as he greeted them.

I felt awkward between them.

"Oh and this is Chloe," Zach pointed out.

Hunter looked at me, "yeah we've met." 

I looked down at my ankle high boots in embarrassment. Wow, this was awkward.

"Hey do you mind if I talk to you guys?" Hunter said, obviously hinting for me to leave them alone.

"Umm I'm gonna go grab a drink, does anyone want anything?" I asked.

"No. I'm good," Amanda replied with a smile.

I left the group to find me a vending machine and pushed the button for a bottle of water.

I turned around and found Amanda and Zach staring at me while talking to Hunter.

As I was approaching them, they looked at me in disgust and walked away. 

I looked for Hunter but he was nowhere in sight.

Well, I guess our job here is done. 

I sighed and left the arcade, bumping into some people on the way out.


I knocked on the apartment door, since I forgot my keys in my room.

"Dad?" I said while knocking again.

The door opened and Dad was behind it.

I looked around the apartment for David.

"Did David drop your phone off?"

"Yeah," Dad replied.

"I-Is he here?" I asked him.

"Yeah he's in my room." Dad replied, looking suspicious.

"Oh." I replied.

"I think I heard my name?" David said, appearing in the living room.

"Yeah whatever," Dad replied to him.

"Chloe, hey!" David greeted me. "Wow look at you, someone's growing!" he commented while looking at my body.

My stomach wasn't steady anymore.

"Well I gotta get going, Robinson wants me back at the ER," David said while zipping his jacket.

"Good luck with Robinson," Dad told him.

I left the two men alone, well I didn't really consider them to be men.

None of them.

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