Chapter Seventeen

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Check out writteninthestar's story Dear Diary, it's amazing!

Oh and SURPRISE! We're going to co-write a story, so stay tuned!


I didn't sleep, I couldn't. My mind kept replaying two scenes over and over again, Dad's confession, and my grandmother's revelation. I got up crankily from my bed, my leg was caught between the bed sheets from all the tossing and turning, I nearly tripped but I quickly regained my balance. I groggily walked to my closet then got in the bathroom, changing into some white jeans and a baby blue sweater,  and wore some white wool boots for the final touch. 

I grabbed my purse to get out of the apartment, I just had to, I needed fresh air. Though I instantly regretted my choice of clothes since I froze as soon as I stepped outside the apartment  building. I walked all the way to a cafe I liked, and just like Pablco's name, the cursive sign of the cafe made absolutely no sense, so I just called it the Sixty Eighth Street Cafe. I needed to get my eyes checked.

I entered the cafe to get me some hot chocolate, theirs was my favorite. The smell of coffee and freshly baked croissants greeted me as I stepped in. I joined the file of people anxiously waiting for their drinks. The three guys in front of me were busy talking about a basketball match that had happened the day before, I wish I had been with them, that would've saved me a lot of  'drama'.

A waiter passed by me with a cup of coffee on a tray and stopped at the table nearby, "your drink Miss Finley," my head turned subconsciously to that table, I saw no other than Holly seated and looking grim. It was as if someone put her there for me to talk to, but someone was with her, someone that looked a lot father.

 I hastily stepped out of the line, the people behind me thanked me but I ignored them. I headed to their table, "Holly? Dad?" She looked surprise to see me, Dad looked horrified. 

"Dad?" Holly repeated, looking confused.

"Wait how do you know her?" Dad asked.

"I met her at Saks, wait, she's your daughter?" Holly asked Dad back while shaking her head in confusion.

It hit me. "Holly Finley, HF...that's you isn't it?" I started to say, ignoring their questions.

I was shivering from everything, the cold, now this and most importantly, figuring out the truth. Holly kept quiet, and Dad didn't even look at me. "Holly, a-are you my mother?" 

Both of them were quiet till Holly spoke, "N-no, Chloe. I'm not, I'm-I'm sorry." She was about to get up but the look I gave her made her take back her decision. 

"Then what is 'thank you for everything'? What is 'everything'? " I asked my father, he looked puzzled and terrified at the same time. 

"This, Dad!" I yelled out, I pulled out the necklace from his blouse, and some people started to stare. Holly massaged her temple.

"What is everything, Dad?" I repeated between gritted teeth. "It's something you're not supposed to know, Chloe," he finally answered.

"What more do I have to lose? I already know everything! " I pointed out.

"Chloe this isn't any of your business!" Dad nearly yelled out. The staff of the cafe threatened us with their stares, so did the people. But we ignored them.

"It's has something to do with me, doesn't it?" I asked as I lowered my voice.

They both didn't talk, they never even bothered to look at me. Holly looked down at her drink while my father stared at the table.

"I'm not leaving until you answer me." 

Dad looked irritated. "Fine it has something to do with you, okay?" 

Well that wasa shock.

"What is it?" I asked, my teeth were rubbing against each other in fury.

"Nothing," Holly quickly answered, the look she gave my father meant something, something, like many other things, I could not figure out.

"Fine. I don't know what you guys have planned, but please, for once let me out of it." 

I turned and headed to the glass door, and walked defeatedly to the apartment, so much for that hot chocolate. I lost my own battle against finding the truth, maybe I wasn't meant to know, maybe I was better off not knowing the truth, but as I had said, the truth always comes out.  Yet there were so many missing pieces, it didn't make me feel good.

 I got my keys out to unlock the apartment door, but strangely it was open just a crack. I pushed the huge white block of wood and found the last person on earth I felt like seeing. 

David Flynn.

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