Chapter Twenty Two

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Hello! This is the LAST chapter of I Am Chloe, weird enough I had a dream about it, some girl rated it on a website and gave it one star...Again, it's a dream! 

BUT! I thought I had more pages, it's supposed to be thirty pages by now, but unfortunately it's not, so I'll see what I'm going to do!

Oh and a BIG shout-out to Amberseatingcake! She's really been supportive through my 'journey' writing this! 

So, this is life.

It isn't what you want it to be, but you have to accept it at it is.

You can even try looking at it from a different perspective, it does change things a bit. 

Of course, there are some ups and downs, sort of like a roller coaster, but you're always stuck to your seat and you can't get out.

 But I did it, things were definitely tough for me, yet I managed to get myself together, and I'm proud of that. I realized that I didn't really need 'Dr. Chloe' to help me make decisions, but rather what I see best for me, no matter what the consequences. Yet those decisions were pretty risky and psychologically stressful, but sometimes you just have to do it.

And sometimes, you can be surprised at the results of those decisions, whether they result in something you've missed your whole life or something you never expected to happen, but it does.

Then, of course there are those things you wish but never work for, because they seem so far away. You usually don't get it, but there are some miracles, or better yet, decisions that make that one wish come true.

I also realized something, no matter how bad things are, one good thing had to happen; and no matter how good things are, there is -sometimes- one bad thing that drags you back to reality.

That bad thing can also get good things out of it, so basically it's a never-ending circle, or at least that's how I imagined it.

Like what happened to me with David, he did something bad to me, but now he's behind bars, which means, like Mr. White had told me, I saved many different people from him. I did something really good. But then there's something bad, Dad lost his best friend.

I lost my best friend too, but I gained a new one, someone I never really thought would ever be my friend; my father.

He really changed, well not really, that careless, cold part of him was dead. The social part of him, the part I loved was in charge. He even introduced me to many of his friends and family; we paid a visit to Aunt Jane to compensate for the rather 'awkward' dinner, and she loved having me around.

But things with his parents were still the same; his prick of a mother didn't want to see him anymore, while his dad was a living robot, doing everything his wife told him to do.

I didn't know whether Dad was dating anyone, I asked him but he said he didn't know himself. Which was pretty odd, but as long as he's happy, I'm fine with it. I never asked him about my mother again, he looked hurt whenever I mentioned her, so I promised myself not to bring her name up -whatever it was- again.

My father really started to care about me, wherever he went, I went. Except to the hospital, because I hated going there, Dawn Days were over; he let me sleep till I had to wake up. That was major relief. He even let me renovate my room, and he got his friend who was an interior designer to help me change my room; that was amazing.

During my thirteenth birthday, which happened about two weeks ago, he got me thirteen presents and thirteen cakes, well twelve cakes and two cupcakes to make up for all the birthdays he had missed. He got two cupcakes with the letters C and W, just like the ones I bought for my eighth birthday.

I really love him, he really tries to be the best father he can be, but I've always loved him even when he wasn't a 'father'.

I do forgive him, I mean, we all make mistakes.

Like Ms.Terry said, that's what makes us human; I thought it was cheesy but it was true.

But I'm more than human, I'm my father's daughter.

I am Chloe.

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