Chapter Six

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated as quickly as usual, lots of events have happened today!

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter!


You know how people say that everyone was born for a reason?

Well if it weren't for that reason, I wouldn't have been born. My birth mother would've most probably aborted me...if it hadn't been for my father.

My father was the reason why I was born. My monster of a mother would've let me die for the sake of her stupid reputation or whatever it was she was careful of.

PS. I didn't even know her name.

I owed my father my life...but sometimes, it felt like my life wasn't worth owing.


I washed and blow dried my hair carefully from the rain water, afraid it might be acid water or whatever those environmentalist freaks thought sky water could be. I jumped into my pajamas, a white t-shirt with a smiley face and gray shorts.

I joined my father in the living room, my book, the Wind of the Willows, in my hand. I sat criss-crossed on the couch, while Dad was watching a basketball game.

I never dared to ask Dad about her, I mean I was enough trouble for him to deal with.

I started to read my book, my brain was half functioning, my eyelids started to close. I pinched myself to stay awake and finish the chapter for my English book report.

The light rays started to spread everywhere, my eyes got watery. My eyes gave in, soon my body did, I dozed off on the couch ready for another day...

I felt arms around my back and legs, lifting me up from the couch. I was too tired to move, and I could feel the heat of the body warm against my cool skin. I begged for more of the heat and wrapped my arms around the source, but I was introduced by heartbeats as they vibrated against my ear. I was tucked in gently against cool cotton sheets, the person dropped the covers around me and wrapped them tightly, making sure I benefit from the covers as much as possible.

My brain finally started to function a bit, that couldn't be Dad...that just couldn't...


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, 6:21. I added that '1' so I could get a minute extra of sleep. I took off the blankets, headed to the bathroom and got dressed in new clothes, a white shirt and beige pants. The clock in the living room read 6:50, crap!

I grabbed my backpack in a hurry and ran to the bus stop. I saw my bus leaving. Crap!

"Wait!" I screamed, I ran as fast as I could to catch the bus, it screeched to a halt.

Oh my ears!

Pablco greeted me with his cheerful face.

"Get on the bus, kid," he told me angrily.

"Sorry," I replied, embarrassed.

You didn't want to mess with the big P.


"I already graded your exams, I'm a bit disappointed in you guys," Mr. Greg, my Math teacher said. It was finally the last period of the day.

He got out the stack of papers from the big brown envelope on his desk, the class gasped in unison.

Everyone had been waiting for this moment from the beginning of class, Mr. Greg said he would distribute them at the end of it.

He handed out the exams name by name, my stomach flipped with every name he shouted out.

"Chloe Henderson?" Mr. Greg yelled out, I raised my shivering hand up.

"See me after class," Mr. Greg said, as he handed me the exam.


That wasn't possible. No way in hell was that possible.

The bell rang from the hallway, the students jumped out of their seats and ran to leave the class and do whatever it was they were planning on doing.

I walked slowly towards Mr. Greg's desk; stomach churning with every step.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked Mr. Greg while he was erasing the chalkboard.

"Yes, Ms. Henderson, your grade. It was the lowest in class," he told me angrily.

I didn't know what to say. "The lowest?" I replied.

"Ms. Henderson, this class isn't a joke, if you wish to take it seriously then I will take you seriously."

"Wait you think I didn't study? Mr. Greg, I studied really hard for this exam!"

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I have trouble believing that, I'd like to see your parents tomorrow after school," he said.

Screw. You...

"Parent." I said.

"Excuse me?" he asked, and his unibrow embraced his confusion.

"Parent, not parents, I only have one." If he counts as a parent.

Mr. Greg looked embarrassed, "Oh, I'm sorry about that, yes I'd like to see your parent tomorrow."

"He can't come," I said furiously.

"Why not?" Mr. Greg asked, clearly annoyed.

"He's too busy these days," I hope that'll shut him up.

"I'll talk to him on the phone then, you may be excused," he said, with a hint of cockiness in his voice.

I wanted to slam his head against the chalkboard. So badly.

"Go die," I muttered.

I left the classroom and entered the main hallway, "Hey Chloe Whorederson!" I heard Steven's friend whatever his name was yell out.

The anger in me boiled up. This was not my day.

Chloe, calm down.

Get lost, Doc.

It's not worth it, trust me.

Shut up. The last time I trusted you the result turned out to be the complete opposite.

Language, Chloe.

Burn in hell.

You know you don't mean it.

Oh I do, Dr. C, I do.

I headed in their direction, ready to confront them when I was stopped by the principal, Mr.Gray.

Mr. Gray was a fat old man who was nearly bald. He was scary.

"I'd like to see you in my office, immediately."

It was not my day.

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