Chapter 8

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Isabelle's POV

I went with Hagrid to the Quidditch field. It was crowded.

Then I saw Hermione and Ron.

"Hey, Belle." Hermione greeted. I smiled.

"I thought you can talk?" Ron asked.

"I do, but not right now." I said. Ron's eye widen.

I giggled.

Then the game started.

I saw Harry, flying with his new broom.

"Belle!!" he shouted.

I smiled and waved at him. He waved back. Then Marcus saw I was waving at Harry. Looks like he want to kill him.

Marcus and I looked at each other and I gave him a look 'don't even think about it.' He just nods and went to his position.

Marcus's POV

When I saw Belle waving at Potter. It hurt. But she gave me her look, telling me don't even think about it. I just nod and went to my position. It's so obvious...I like her.

Isabelle's POV

The game has begun. I cheered for Gryffindor. Right now, Gryffindor has 10 points from Angelia.

We clapped and I saw Marcus dodge the Bluggers and throw into the hoop.

Oliver whack the ball back, Marcus glared at him. This can't be good.

"Another 10 points from Gryffindor." I heard Lee said.

Marcus grabbed the batter and hit the Bludgers towards Oliver.

"Oliver!" I yelled. I was too late. It hit Oliver and knocked him out. I clenched my fist and glared at Marcus. They continued the game.

Then I suddenly felt something, the same strength at Diagon Alley. What is it? I thought. Then I turned to the game.

I looked at Harry and his broom was being controlled.

"It's Snape. He's jinxing the broom." said Hermione.

"Jinxing the broom?! What do we do?!" Ron asked.

"Leave it to me." Hermione said. I was still looking at Harry.

The strength was still getting stronger.

(If you're wondering. Isabelle is like sensing these strengths from know how like they can sense their enemies charka)

"Fire! You're on Fire!" I looked where all the professors were sitting. Snape was on fire. Harry climbs back on his broom and fly after to the Slytherin Seeker. They both we down and the other seeker back out. I smirked at that. Scaredy Cat.

Harry pulled up and step up with his feet to stand up and he accidentally swallow the snitch.

"Looks like he's gonna be sick." said Hagrid. The snitch came out his mouth.

"Gryffindor Wins!!!"

We all cheered. Gryffindor has won.

Then I saw someone wearing a mask and he suddenly held out his dagger. My eyes widen.

"Harry!!! Run!!!" I jumped down from the tower, but then I send Ice(Like Elsa) towards the man. He dodged it. But, since when I can send ice? I thought.

Harry ran to other players. The man looked at me and smirked.

"Been a long time, Isabelle."

"What? Who are you?" I asked, glaring at him.

He smirked again. "You don't know. Haha. That's for me to know and you to find out."

I glared more. He pulled out his sword and I just stood there.

He was about to charge at me until a flying dagger went towards him. He blocked it. Then another man, who dressed in white, was in front of me, protecting me.

"Hmph, so glad you made it....Little Brother." I was confused.

"Shen! Stop this nonsense." He said. The man smirked.

"Can't do that, Shang." He said.

Then the man looked at me. I think he's name is Shen.

"Confused, Isabelle?" He asked, smirking. I raised my brow at him.

He chuckled evilly. "This man in front of you is your....father."

My eyes widen. The man in front growled and charged at him.

"Everyone! Get back inside!!!" I heard Dumbledore yelled. I saw Harry tried to grab me but Fred and George already got him.

I turned and saw a shuriken, coming towards me. I immediately dodged it.

When did I learn how to dodge like that? I thought.

"Isabelle, get inside!!" I hear Dumbledore. I looked at him and then the man who's actually my father. He looked at me over his shoulder.

"Go." he said.

I looked at him and then at Dumbledore. I went back inside.

In Dumbledore's Office

"What was that about?" I asked him. He stayed quiet.

"Professor?" He turned around and looked at me.

"Isabelle, that man who's fighting your his half-brother." he said.

Half-brother? I thought.

I was about to say something, but Dumbledore held out his hand in front of him.

"I'm not the right person to tell you." he said.

I sighed in disappointment. Then the door opened, revealing the man in white.

"Ah, Shang." said Dumbledore. He nodded and closed the door.

"Isabelle. This is your father."

My eyes widen at that. I just can't believe that this good looking man can be my father.

"Eh?" I tilt my head in confusion. Then I remembered, I pulled out my parents picture. I looked at it and then up to my Dad. I was going back and forth.

"Isabelle." he said. I looked at him, up and down.

"I know that you're confused right now, but let me ex---" I cut him off by hugging his torso.

"D-Dad." I cried. He smiled and hugged back.

"Ah, a family reunion." said Dumbledore.

We both pulled back and Dad wiped my tears.

"Don't cry, sweetie." I sniffed and smiled.

"Can't believe that you're still good looking for your age." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Dad asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

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