Chapter 1

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Enjoy! Raquel above!


"What kind of a question is that? Girl, I already told you. I didn't get my period this month so I got a little worried."

"Taylor, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Tell Antonio I guess."

Two lines. It was TWO when Taylor opened her eyes and realized she was pregnant. After she threw the test away she took her ass home and called up her girl, Raquel.

Raquel Kenny, her best friend ever since middle school. They became friends once they found out they had the same classes together and they had the same crush on this one boy, who ending up dropping out in High School. So, that little love they had for him disappeared quickly.

"Nooo! You can't do that!" Raquel yelled.

"Why the hell are you yelling? And I have to tell him! He's my boyfriend. We are not suppose to keep secrets from each other." Taylor said as she grabbed her phone getting ready to call Antonio.

"Girlfriends keep secrets from their boyfriends all the time." She said while pointing at Taylor.

"Well I don't want to be that type of girlfriend. I want to be honest with him."

"Well the least you can do is tell him in person and not over the phone." Raquel said while looking at Taylor dial the numbers in the phone.

"Duh! You don't think I know that! I'm calling to tell him to come over. I'm not that bad of a girlfriend!" Taylor replied.

"Be careful. I'mma go ahead and go. I don't wanna be here when he starts yelling. Call me okay?" Raquel said as she walked out the door to her car.

'She's over exaggerating. He won't yell or be upset. He should be happy and want to help me. Right?" Taylor questioned in her head.

Her attention was broken when she realized she needed to call Antonio. She took her phone and dialed his number and placed it at her ear.

"Hey baby." A tired and hoarse voice said through the phone.

"Hey Antonio. Listen we have to talk." Taylor said as she got up walked around her room.

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?" Antonio replied.

19 year-old Taylor Johnson stood looking at herself in the mirror of her small apartment. In High School, Taylor was known for being the 'tall girl'. It wasn't like she was 6 feet. Just taller than most girls but still shorter than most boys. She stood at 5'8 with a caramel peanut butter complexion, and a body that would put Beyonce' to shame. Her hair was naturally long and kinky, came to about mid back when straighten and shoulder length when wet.

After graduating High School, she moved 1000 miles away from her abusive father, her mother died while giving birth to her, which her father blamed her for. She didn't have the best life that she always wished for.

She had got a scholarship to her favorite college, DM Scott University. A little later on into her freshman year she got herself a job at a small bakery. She instantly found interest in the boss's son, Antonio Ferguson. They met the first day she started working there and soon started dating. Antonio had already graduated college 2 years earlier and has a career as an architect. About 1 year later Antonio helped her get her own place and gives her money here and there to help her pay for her apartment. So, now they're in a steady relationship or so they thought...

"No." Taylor paused. "We need to talk in person."

"Okay, we'll talk tomorrow. I need to sleep it's 2 AM." Antonio replied.

"No. I mean like right now. It's an emergency.'

"Can it wait? Please, I have work in the morning." Antonio said kind of annoyed.

"God. No. It can't wait!" Taylor semi-yelled.

"Okay fine. I'll be there in 30 minutes." Antonio said while hanging up the phone to get ready.

Taylor hung up the phone. And layed down on her sofa while being overtaken by her thoughts.

*Hey! BTW this is a slow pace book. So if you like that then this is the book for you! Please leave a comment telling what you think! This is a short chapter. They'll be like this for awhile, but I'll make them longer as the story progresses!*

*Raquel above!*

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