Chapter 24

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Jeremy pulled a wide awake Chase closer to his chest. “I'll watch the drinks while you get your food first.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Jeremy watched Taylor walk off and put Chase back into his car seat that was beside him.

Jeremy pulled out his phone, quickly looked around, and dialed a number. He placed it to his ear and waited for someone to answer.

“What do you want?” An annoyed, deep voice said.

“Where are you?” Jeremy replied, taking a quick look around.

“None of your fucking business.” The voice snapped.

“You see this is why I don't like talking to you. I ask a simple question and your dumbass always wants to act like a son of a bitch-” Jeremy was cut off by the phone hanging up.

Jeremy cursed in Italian under his breath and redialled the number.

“What the fuck do you want!” The person yelled.

“Kevin, I'm just trying to figure out if you're here at Golden Corral.”

“Why? Are you there?” Kevin said.

“Yes I am.”

“Well you're fucking lucky I'm not there, because I'd come and find you and kick your ass.”

Jeremy sighed at how childish his older brother was. “Whatever. That's all I wanted to know, bye.”

“Woah wait!” Kevin yelled, stopping Jeremy from hanging up.

Jeremy thought about hanging up on him, since that's what he's known for, but decided against it. “What.”

“You're going to the dinner this year?” Kevin asked, but didn't give Jeremy a chance to reply. “Ha, of course you are. You're being forced to go this year. Just get ready for this ass whipping you're gonna get for calling me a bi-”

Jeremy hung up on him and laughed, thinking about how angry he probably got. He ignored Kevin's next couple of calls. He knew all he was gonna do was curse and threaten him.

“Who were you on the phone with?”

Jeremy jumped in his seat startled by the voice. He turned around to see Taylor with a plate piled high and taking a seat on the other side of the booth.

“Were you standing there the whole time listening to my conversation?” Jeremy asked.

Taylor giggled. “No, I just saw you end the call.”

“I'm going to get my food now,” Jeremy said standing up and reaching for Chase. “And I'm taking Chase with me.”

“Why? Just leave him here it'll be eas-”

Jeremy smiled at Taylor. “I just want to bond with him.”

Taylor smiled back. “Okay, but when he starts crying don't call me for help.”

Jeremy laughed and walked over to the fruit bar. He picked up a plate and placed some fruit on his plate and picked a strawberry up and placed it at Chase's mouth. Chase opened his mouth and sucked on the strawberry but then spat it back out where it landed on Jeremy's white shirt.

“Damn it.” Jeremy mumbled under his breath and grabbed a napkin trying to get the red stain out.

Jeremy walked back to the booth with his plate and handed Chase to Taylor and sat down in his seat upset.

“Chase put a stain on my shirt.” Jeremy whined.

Taylor giggled. “I told you not to take him.”

“It's not funny Taylor.” Jeremy said seriously.

Taylor noticed his seriousness and threw him a sad look. “If the shirt means that much to you I'll buy you a new one.”

“This shirt cost $500.” Jeremy said while eating a grape off his plate.

Taylor choked on air. “Why would you wear such an expensive shirt to go out to eat?”

“This was the cheapest thing in my closet.”

“Well how did he get a stain on your shirt?” Taylor said rocking Chase in her arms.

“I gave him a strawberry and he spat it back out on me.”

Taylor laughed. “Why would you give him food when he doesn't even have teeth, yet?”

Jeremy sighed. “I didn't think about it like that.”

“Jeremy can I ask you a question?” Taylor asked.

“You already did, but go ahead.” Jeremy smiling.

“Is your family in the mafia?”

Jeremy gave her a funny look then replied. “Where'd you hear that rumor?”

“It's just a rumor that goes around town. So are you gonna answer my question?”

Jeremy looked her in the eyes seriously. “Next question.”

“What?” Taylor questioned. “That's not answering my question. The more you deny to answer my question the more I'm gonna believe that the rumor is true.”

“No, Taylor, now don't ask me again.”

Taylor sucked her teeth. “Why do you continually treat me like a child?”

“Because you are a child,” Jeremy snapped. “You're not even old enough to drink yet.”

Taylor sat back in her chair, upset.

Jeremy sighed. “Enough about me. Why don't you tell me about yourself.”

Taylor looked at him. “What do you wanna know?”

“Why are you all alone and sad,” Jeremy asked, sitting up in his chair. “When we met in the club you seem a lot happier. What happen between now and then?”

Taylor swallowed.  “Well i-”

“Jeremy Chase Greyworth!” Taylor was interrupted by a high pitched yell through the restaurant.

They saw a pale girl running over to them in high heels.

“Who's that?” Taylor asked.

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “That bitch, Megan.”

It's 12 AM! I'm going to sleep!


Taylor's Journey (BWWM) ~Interracial~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz