Chapter 27

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"Jeremy, move now." Taylor snapped, trying to sound dominant.

Jeremy laughed at her attempt to be tough. "Or what."

Taylor thought for moment, before smiling evilly. "Or this." After saying that she brought her knee up slamming into his groin.

Jeremy groaned, letting go of Taylor and grabbing his sore area. "Unnecessary."

"That's sexual harassment, you dumbass." Taylor said back to him going into his closet. "I need some clothes."

Jeremy limped over to her. "Just sleep naked. I wouldn't mind."

"No, what- uh. No I'm not staying here. I want you to take me back to the motel."

Jeremy sighed. "Baby, please just stay here. It's late and I don't feel like going back out."

Taylor notice that he called her baby, but ignored it. "Jeremy, i-"

"I promise I'll take you in the morning."

Taylor huffed. "Fine."

"Good girl. Now go lay down on our bed. I'm going to go take a shower." With that he turned around and went into the bathroom.

Taylor sat down on the bed, listening to the shower run. "You forgot to give me some clothes!"

Not hearing a reply, she took it upon herself to search for night wear. She opened the closet door and her eyes moved from rack to rack.

"Hmm. What to wear?" She thought to herself. She spotted a bright neon pink button up shirt. She grabbed that and a pair of his boxers. Quickly putting them on, she scurried back to the bed.

Pulling back the covers, she slipped into the bed. She almost immediately fell asleep at how soft the mattress was. She cuddled up into a ball and began to relax.

About 15 minutes later, she heard the bathroom door open with the sudden light that came with it. She heard it close, barely even awake, and she heard the closet door being opened and closed. Not too long after, she felt the other side of the bed dip.

Jeremy quickly got into the bed and scooted closer to Taylor. He slowly, and carefully, snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to himself.

Taylor was too tired to even protest and drifted off to sleep, but not before feeling a soft kiss to her forehead.


Taylor woke up barely being able to breathe with a heavy weight on top of her. She looked to her side to come face to face with Jeremy. He had a tight grip on her waist and his legs tangled with hers. Half of his body was on her with his head nuzzling her chest.

She slowly tried to lift his arm, but that only made him hug her tighter. She untangled her legs with his only for him to throw one if his heavy legs over the both of hers, pinning her legs down.

Giving up she nudge him, "Jeremy." She whispered. "Jeremy."

He mumbled in his sleep and snuggled into her.

Taylor shook him. "Jeremy, wake up." She said a little louder.

His eyes slowly opened, but closed them. "What time is it?" He said.

Taylor looked at the digital clock on the night stand. "10:34 AM."

He just nodded his head.

"Don't you have to go to work?" She asked.

"Yeah, but nor right now." Jeremy said, pulling her closer to him.

"Can you get off of me. I need to go check on Chase." Taylor said trying to release herself from his grip.

He groaned and released her. His eyes followed her as she for up and left out the room. So, he returned to his peaceful sleep.

Taylor walked down the hallway towards Chase's nursery. She opened the door to see a wide awake Chase staring back at her. She smiled lovely at him. "Hey, baby Chase."

"You must be so hungry, baby." She picked him up and carried him out the room. She descended down the stairs towards the kitchen. Taylor loved this big, beautiful house Jeremy had. It had grand stairs that looked over the living room. A full granite top kitchen.

Taylor opened the refrigerator and pulled out the milk that was already made. She placed it in this bottle warmer that Jeremy purchased. Just as she placed the bottle in Chase's mouth Jeremy came down the stairs leading only his boxers.

He came up to her and took Chase away from her, placing a kiss on his cheek. Taylor couldn't help but to stare at his amazing body. His toned legs and arms with a matching six pack.

"You done eye raping me?" Jeremy said, laughing when Taylor turned away from him embarrassed.

"Can you take me back to my motel now?" Taylor asked, ignoring what he said.

Jeremy took in a long deep breath. "Yeah, sure."

It's short buuuutttt!


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