Chapter 20

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Enjoy! Gregory above!

"I see Carly has already told you all my business." Jeremy said zipping Chase's onesie up and picking him up.

"Yes she has. You have a child, Jeremy, and your sister is the first one to find out. Why are you keeping it a secret?"

Jeremy placed Chase in his lap. "Like I said before, it is my business. Not anyone else's."

"Who's the mother?"

"Gregory, I don't see that being any of your business. Besides, you don't know her."

Gregory sat up in his seat. "Why do you insist on calling me by my name instead of father, like the rest of your siblings."

"The rest of my siblings are trying to kiss your ass all the time. They want money from you unlike me. I have my own money now and I don't need to live off you anymore." Jeremy said through clenching teeth.

"I have no problem with giving them money. They are my children after all." His father said.

"But I, personally, do not want to have to depend on you. I'm a grown man. I should be able to support myself."

"I can support you."

"I can do it myself." Jeremy snapped.

"This wasn't what I came here to talk about," Gregory sighed. "Your mother wants me to remind you of the annual family meal. You haven't came in the last three years."

"I am not going. That's my final answer."

Gregory smiled. "This year it's mandatory for you."

"You can't make me. I already told yo-"

Gregory interrupted him. "I would hate to have to send your older brothers to come get you, but I will."

Jeremy stared at him. "Do you really think that scares me?"

"It use to scare you before."

Jeremy laughed. "What don't you understand? I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not going."

"We'll see. Make sure you bring the mother of my grandchild with you."

"I just said I'm no-"

"And like I said, we'll see."

They sat in silence just staring at each other for a couple of minutes.

"Gregory, you can leave, now."

Gregory raised an eyebrow. "I am your father. You do not dismiss me. Technically, I'm part owner of this building."

"You are not. I started this all by myself."

"How do you think you got this successful? You couldn't have done all this by yourself. I got you the best architects and I got your name out there."

"I don't care what you say. I'm the owner."

Gregory stood. "You don't remember me buying this building for you? I'm actually suppose to be getting half of what you make, but I just let you have it all so you could live your dream of being independent."

Jeremy watched Gregory walk around his desk.

"What's his name?" Gregory asked looking at Chase.

"Chase Jeremy Greyworth." Jeremy said.

"You name him after yourself. I knew you were selfish."

"Actually, his mother named him that."

Gregory nodded not believing him. Gregory reached to touch him, but was stopped by Jeremy moving Chase away from his hand.

"His mother doesn't want anyone to touch him, but myself."

"But this is my grandson."

"She said no one can touch him." Jeremy said.

"You are the father. You have as much say so as she does."

"I've just recently got into Chase's life and I don't want to screw it up on the first day I get him to myself, so you can't touch him."

"And why can I not touch him?"

Jeremy looked down at Chase. "Because Chase doesn't like you."

"He's a baby. He doesn't even know how to dislike someone."

Jeremy stood walking to the door. "He doesn't like you because his father doesn't like you. Now if you would please leave. I have a lot of work to do."

"Why do I feel as if you're rushing me?"

"I am not." Jeremy said making motions towards the door.

"There was something else I was suppose to do. Oh yes." He pointed at Jeremy. "You do not call your sister stupid, now give me your keys."

"What!" Jeremy said walking fast over to his desk grabbing his keys and putting them in his pocket. "How am I suppose to get home?"

"Take the bus or a cab."

"You've never done this before! You always left me one car."

"But I feel this is the millionth time I've told you not to call your sister names."

"It's not my fault it's true!" Jeremy yelled.

"There's no need to yell, now give me your keys."

"No, I bought the Range Rover, so you can't take that one."

Gregory shook his head. "I've bought every single one of your cars."

"I'm not giving you the keys so you can just leave." Jeremy said sitting down at his desk with Chase in his arms.

"Fine. I'll just tow it." Gregory said leaving his office.

"Gregory!" Jeremy yelled after his father. "Papa!"

Jeremy kissed his teeth and called Taylor again.


"Yeah Taylor it's Jeremy." Jeremy glanced down at Chase. "How do you ride a bus?"

*I think its kinda weird that the man that plays Jeremy's father is also the man Kerry Washington has an affair with in Scandal! I'm on like season 2 of scandal so I know they were lovers. Lol but I wanted someone good looking but old enough to be a father. Lol he's like 50 and Chris is like 30 so its possible*


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