Chapter 37 ~ Last Chapter

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Y'all gonna hate me! Lol


"Whatcha lookin' for?" Kevin, Jeremy's brother, asked me while walking more into the room.

I ignored his tempting behavior and continued looking through Jeremy's belongings. "The remote."

She watched as he walked over towards the night stand, opening it and digging through it before throwing the remote towards her.

"Thanks." She said smiling at him before go back over to Chase and turning on the TV. She turned away from him hoping he'll get the clue that she didn't want to be bothered, but he didn't catch it.

She felt the bed dip and turned to see Kevin sitting on the bed, staring at Chase.

"I never thought Jeremy would be the first to have kids." He said playing with Chase's foot. "We thought it would be Carly."

"Hmm." Taylor hummed, not to interested in this conversation.

"You're probably wondering why I'm up here." Kevin said, chuckling.

'Or how you unlocked that damn door.' Taylor thought. She just smiled at him.

"We all want you to come back down stairs," Kevin started, which immediately got Taylor's attention. "My father would like to apologize for my mothers behavior."

"Why can't your mother apologize for herself?" Taylor asked.

"She has a very high ego and feels she's too good to apologize to you." Kevin said, rolling his eyes at the thought of his mother. "I would like to apologize for being disrespectful towards you earlier."

Taylor smiled at him. "You're forgiven and thank you."

"You're very nice, Taylor." They sat in silence for awhile.

"Why are you so mean to Jeremy?" Taylor asked boldly.

"He's mean to me too." Kevin playfully said.

"Jeremy said you've bullied him every since y'all were kids."

Kevin chuckled. "We've just never really gotten alone." He paused. "He's done some cruel things to me and I've done some awful things back. We just have that relationship where we fight."

"What cruel things has he done to you?" Taylor asked.

Kevin took in a breath. "I remember in highschool, I was a senior, Jeremy was a freshman. I use to date this girl who I really liked. Like a lot, almost love. Afterschool, we had planned to watch movies at my house that day, but I had track practice, so I told her to just go to my place and wait in my room." He dry laughed before continuing the story. "Long story short, I found Jeremy fucking her in my bed."

Taylor eyes widen, she couldn't believe Jeremy would do something like that. Kevin saw the look on her face and turned towards her.

"The thing that got me was that he didn't stop. Not even try to get off of her when he realized I was there."

"Damn. I'm sorry to hear that." Taylor said, she would have to ask Jeremy about this later. "What did you do?"

"I chased his naked ass around the house until I caught him." Kevin laughed at the memory. "It doesn't bother me anymore, but I'm just letting you know so you can see the type of person Jeremy really is."

"Thanks for telling me." Taylor said, thinking. That was such a long time ago. Jeremy should've outgrown that immaturity.

"So, are you going to come back down? You didn't finish your food, so you must be starving."

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