Chapter 25: I Love You

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- Avery's POV -

"Mickey?!" the woman gasped as her eyes filled with tears

"Mommy!" Mickey cheered before jumping into her awaiting arms. Ok...well, I feel awkward. Just as I start to back up and walk away the woman calls out to me.

"Wait!" I stopped in my tracks and walked back

"Yes?" I asked

"Thank you so much. I was worried, I hope he wasn't too much of a trouble" she smiled warmly but I couldn't help but feel alert of her.

" was no problem. He is awesome." I smiled and gave Mickey a high five.

"Please, come in" she invited but I was a little hesitant. I just had a little feeling that something was off about this lady.

"Sure" I forced a smile

"Take a seat" she gestured towards the couch they had in their room and I took a seat quietly. Mickey ran up to me and plopped down right next to me.

"So, youre Mickey's mom" I stated and she laughed. I only asked because she looked way too young to be a mother. Let alone a mother of a 5 year old.....unless I was wrong about his age. Her blonde hair fell down past her shoulders and she had a unique shade of green as her eye color. From far away it looks like blue but now that I look closer it's definitely green. She looked my age!

"Michael, why don't you go play with your toys?" she said and Mickey jumped off the couch and shouted a quick response before running into another room.

"He's not my son" she whispered and I was confused. Didn't he call her mommy?

"But he called you mommy?" I said

"He thinks I'm his mom but, I'll tell him the truth when he gets older" she continues to whisper. Well then who's kid is he?!

"Who's his parents then?" I asked and she gave me a sad look before responding

"I didn't know my mate had impregnated another wolf until I had ran away with him. I've become a rogue ever since I left my pack, or should I say this pack, to run away with him. We were constantly moving, hiding, running, until I couldn't take it anymore. So, he begged his pack to take him back along with me and they thankfully agreed. But, while we were with his pack I found out some surprising news from one of the female wolves from his pack. She told me that he was with her before he met me and that he got her pregnant. Obviously, I didn't believe her but I still asked him about it. " her eye looked nostalgic as she spoke and she took in a shaky breath in before continuing

"He denied it. He denied and lied to my face because when I went to see the girl, she showed me Michael and he looked exactly like Theo. Then at that moment the pack was under attack. The girl lead me into her house and Michael and I hid in the closet. Michael's real mother locked the door and then attempted to come in the closet but the door burst open and the rogues attacked. Michael was only 3 then and I knew from behind the closet door his mother was dying. I covered Michael's mouth and held my breath. We stayed in the closet until morning. I carried a sleeping Micheal away from the home that had his dead mother in it and went to the house Theo and I were living in. Theo was-" her voice cracked and I couldn't even begin to think how she feels because her mate probably died.

"You dont have to continue" I said quietly but she shook her head

"I want to. Even though I don't know you, honestly it feels good to tell someone all of this" she replied and I nodded

"Theo was dead" she said firmly and cleared her throat.

"I didn't think Michael's mother had anymore family since she lived alone in that house. Her parents probably died or something. So, I knew I had to take care of Michael now. But, I couldn't stay at that pack anymore. I tried to, I tried for 2 years but I just couldn't anymore. So I left and came here. Michael doesn't remember anything and he thinks Im his mother. I should've never left what I had here." she shook her head solemnly. Wait a second.......

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