Chapter 28: Dangerous Child?

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- Avery's POV -

"Cassandra?" Ryan repeated still in a daze and I looked over to Cassandra to see that she had a smirk planted on her face. Meg just stared straight at Cassandra with wide eyes. Parker just looked uncomfortable with this whole situation.

"Hello Ryan" Cassandra said sinisterly as she walked closer to Ryan. Ryan just moved closer to Meg making Cassandra take a step back in surprise. Yay, point for Ryan!

"'re with her" Cassandra sneered and I glared at her while forcing myself not to lash out

"That's none of your business" Ryan narrowed his eyes into slits and Meg rested her hand on his shoulder

"Well, of course it is. You're mine" she said sweetly and walked up to Ryan

"I'm not yours and I will never be. I only belong to one person" Ryan yelled and turned to Meg

"You're lying!" Cassandra shouted and Ryan turned his attention away from Meg and towards her.

"You're yourself" Ryan whispered and took a step away from Cassandra. I almost felt bad for her, she was now sobbing in front of everyone with her mascara running. I really felt like I should comfort her but then she had to go open her big mouth.

"You have a son" she muttered through her tears and Ryan froze

"What?" Ryan said in shock and I myself was confused. Didn't she tell me a whole other story about Mickey? Or was that just a lie? I honestly dont know what to believe.

"I said you have a son. Well, we have a son" Cassandra sniffled and I gaped. I am so confused. She said that Mickey was her mate's son when he was with another woman.

"Thats not possible. I- we- I dont-" Ryan started stuttering and pulling at his hair

"He's five. After I left you for my mate, I was so...happy. A week later, I found out I was pregnant with your child. He left me. I was on the run, I was a rouge. Some ladies took me in when I was 9 months pregnant and they delivered Micheal. A week after he was born I left and I've been traveling from pack to pack for five years. Until recently, I got shot in the leg. I took care of myself and when I was done, I realized that it affected my walking a bit. I can't travel like I used to. So I came here. It was a last resort." Cassandra explained and I could tell Ryan was believing every word. I needed to get to the bottom of this.

"Stop. Cassandra." I spoke up turning all the attention to me

"What are you doing?" Parker whispered in my ear but I ignored him

"Stop the lies Cassandra. You told me a whole other story. Now I want to know which one is true." I demanded crossing my arms across my chest.

"I dont know what your talking about" Cassandra said innocently and I glared

"I'm not going to ask again" I gritted my teeth and Ryan stepped forward

"I want to see him. Then we'll know" Ryan said and I opened my mouth to object but he cut me off with a warning glare. I huffed in defeat.

"Um, no problem" Cassandra replied and started leading everyone to her room. The one I returned Mickey to. Opening the door, she stepped inside, turning on the lights.

"Mickey can you come here?" Cassandra called out and a few seconds later Mickey came running into the crowded room. Ryan stepped forwards and kneeled down in front of Mickey while Meg, Parker, Cassandra and I just idly watched. Mickey's eyes wandered around and when he spotted Parker and I, he walked away from Ryan and came to me.

My Brother's My Mate?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora