Chapter 7

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I asked around and finally found where the files were for the business interactions Wright Corporations had with other companies since bastard Mr. Wright didn't bother telling me. They had a thick binder for each year that was completed filled with reports of the interactions that happened that year. Man, this is going to be a lot of work.

One year and half of reports through, my eyes began to hurt from reading so much. The depressing thing was it took over 3 hours just to read that much. Lunch break already started so everyone left, leaving me alone with stacks of  reports to read. No one bothered to ask if I needed some help. They gave me some pitiful looks before going back to their own work.

Not wanting to waste any time, I decided to skip lunch to read as much as I could. I let out a tired sigh and ignored the growling in my stomach to flip the pages of one of the reports.

Some time later, my phone made a notification sound. I saw on the lock screen that it was a test from Richard and gulped in nervousness. Quickly swiping my pattern lock, I opened the text message.

I got the money. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Feel feel to contact me if you ever need some extra cash. 
-XOXO your fav debt collector

Wow. He must be in a good mood after receiving my money. I hope he'll stay that way cause a happy debt collector is always better than an angry one. I locked my phone and continued on with the reading.

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

Before I knew it, it was already 11:30 at night and I only got to the 2008 file. I sighed. I still had to go find my new apartment. I had no idea where it was. I quietly got up, turned the lamp off, and walked to the elevators. I still had 6 more days left. That was plenty of time, right?

The moment the elevator arrived, I rushed inside and quickly pressed the button for the lobby.

When I got to the lobby, I quickly exited the building and waved my arms frantically for a taxi. Since I had to first pick up my stuff from my apartment, I told the taxi driver the address for it and rested my eyes as the car went forward.

It didn't take very long since I didn't own much. Everything fit perfectly into my blue slightly chipped suitcase. I pulled up the handle and locked the door behind me. I dropped off the key in Mrs. Barnes' mailbox and waited outside the entrance for another taxi.

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

After telling the driver the address written neatly on the note and he started to drive to what would now be my home for the next 5 years. We arrived in less than 10 minutes. Quickly paying the fare, I got out and took a look at where I was. The view was amazing!

In front of me stood a tall apartment complex with a balcony on each floor. I wonder which floor I'm staying at. I went toward the entrance where a security guard stood guard. We exchanged polite nods as I walked past him and into the nicely decorated lobby.

The signs guided me to the elevators and I pressed the 7th floor.

And I thought the outside looked amazing. When I entered my apartment, my jaw hit the floor. I was on the 7th floor, room 715. There was an L-shaped black leather sectional sofa. Complete with a matching black coffee table and black cushions.

Behind them was a kitchen. It was huge. The tiles on the walls and floor was black and white. A stove and black fridge was there with matching countertops and sink. A black microwave sat on the countertop. The cupboards were filled with silverware and dishes. Everything was perfect. I opened the fridge to check its components. In the freezer, there was carton of ice creams, frozen steaks, precooked dumplings and several boxes of frozen pizza. In the fresh compartment, there were fruits-apples, peaches, kiwis, mangos... there was three cartons of milk, a dozen eggs, vegetables, soda, even beer! It was as if someone was already living here, but that wasn't the case. Maybe Mrs. Libbs had someone do this for me? 

There were 3 rooms- 2 bedrooms and a study. The study was down the hall with one bedroom on each side. I entered the bedroom to my right. There was a queen-sized bed with blue and white bed covers and matching pillows. On both sides was a nightstand with a blue lamp on top. A private restroom was located at the corner. There was a balcony in here with a beautiful view. The New York lights looked stunning from here. A Lawson-style sofa sat near it with cushions too. I threw myself on it. So plushy, just how I like it. There was a closet too. I left my suitcase next to it and ran to the restroom. Inside was a tub and shower, with a sink. Towels were stacked nearby. Hm, I could use a shower. I quickly took off my clothes and took a nice and warm shower. Afterwards, I changed into my pajamas. A polka dotted matching shirt and pants. I brushed my teeth and let down my hair. The braid left some curls. I came out of the restroom and went to the bed and laid down. Hm.. this was comfortable. Feeling beyond exhausted, I quickly fell asleep.

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

"What the hell are you doing in my house?!?" a deep voice shouted.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. Hovering above me with a look of pure horror and shock was a certain someone with a familiar light brown hair and black suit. Mr. Wright. The jerk head from the elevator. My boss for the next 5 years. Him, out of all the people in the world. Why was this joke being played on me?? My face soon held the same exact expression as the on his face.

"What the hell?" we both exclaimed at the same time in shock.

"Are you some kind of stalker? Why is it always you?" His voice was filled with disgust and a tad of anger too. "How did you get in here? It didn't look like someone broke in. Did you make a copy of my keys or something?"

"Calm down, I should be asking you that question. What are you doing here in my apartment?"

"Why I guess you aren't so bright up there," he pointed to his head and continued, "Why else would I be here? I live here."

My eyes grew wide and I automatically rushed to get up when my forehead slammed into his.

"Arghh!" he growled in pain and backed away. "Are you trying to kill me after getting caught in someone else's apartment?" he asked with a hateful glare.

"No, I wasn't! It was an accident, but you probably deserved it."

He rubbed his head, "I don't need an apology from someone you."

"Did I say I was going to apologize?"

"Whatever. What are you doing here?" he changed back the subject. "You know you really need to start answering people's questions right away instead of arguing back."

"The employment contract offered a free apartment. Mrs. Libbs gave me the keys to here. If I knew that I was going to be roommates with you, I wouldn't have accepted the key."

He quickly took out his phone and dialed her number. "Nancy! Why is Wilson in my house?!" he screamed to the phone. I couldn't hear what she said but I knew it wasn't good news. After several minutes, he hung up. He rubbed his forehead in defeat. I looked at him expectantly.

"She said that they couldn't find a place yet so you have to stay with me until they do," he said with a sigh.

"Aren't you like the heir to the company? Don't you have a say to who can live your apartment?" I asked in confusion. "You seem like a very powerless heir to me."

"I don't have enough shares in the company to have much of a say for anything. I haven't inherited the company yet. My father holds the highest position as the Chairman of Wright Corporations.  I'm only the CEO and I had to earn this title after many years of hard work. Getting the company just like that was not one of the things my parents spoiled me with," he explained.

"Well, at least now I know you weren't entirely spoiled on everything even though you act like you were." I just learned a little something about him- was that a good or bad thing? I felt a little bad for him, having no say to this. But that didn't mean I was giving up the place. Even though his personality and temper was really terrible, I had nowhere else to go. Hopefully, Mrs. Libbs will find a place for me soon. I cleared my throat, "Could you leave now? I need to sleep."

"Yeah whatever." He left with a slam of the door.

Look there goes his temper again, I groaned. Just how long will I be able to stand for his personality?

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