Chapter 24

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It wasn't him. It wasn't Christian. It was someone I did not know. He was tall and quite handsome too. A head full of chocolate brown hair that was left alone and not styled with hair gel, something the other employees usually did. It was ruffled and it covered his forehead. He was dressed in a light pink dress shirt and black dress pants with black dress shoes. There was a name tag pinned on his shirt, but I couldn't see it clearly.

"Mr. E-evans," the security guard stuttered when he saw who it was. "W-what are you do-doing here?" he asked, releasing his grip on my hair at once. I rubbed my sore scalp and listened to their conversation.

This so called Mr. Evans reached his hand over toward the name tag pinned on the security uniform and read the name off of it aloud. "Mhm Mr. Benjamin Reed, it's nice to meet you. It's too bad that we met through a situation like this," he said with a small frown. "Don't bother showing up for work tomorrow cause you're fired."

Benjamin slumped onto the ground at Evan's words and grabbed onto his legs. "I-I'm sorry. Pl-please give me another chance, I on-only did this be-because some-someone told me to," he admitted.

"And who told you to?" Evans questioned.

"I... I... I can't say..."

"If you want to keep this job, you will tell me who told you to do this."

"Fine, fine. It-it was Mrs. Wright, the CEO's mother," he revealed nervously. "She instructed the security staff that if you ever stopped by, use any means of violence necessary."

Mr. Evans was quiet for a few minutes, his eyes gazing off somewhere in thought. "Apologize to this young lady right now," he ordered.

"I'm-I'm sorry Ms. Wilson. I had no other choice, they said I would get fired if I didn't follow orders," Benjamin apologized hastily.

"You can leave now," Evans dismissed him. 

"Do I still have this job?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes, the job is still yours. Thank you for informing me with who was behind this but if I ever catch you treating Ms. Wilson disrespectfully in any way, you'll be out of here faster than you can say sorry," he warned.

Benjamin nodded his head before running away.

"Who are you Mr. Evans?" I inquired. "Why did you help me?"

He didn't answer me and instead, he knelt down beside me and checked if I was okay. When he was sure that I was fine, he helped me up from the ground. I dusted myself off and repeated my question.

"Who are you? And why did you help me?" I asked again, feeling slightly annoyed.

He grinned, sensing my annoyance but he still didn't answer my questions.

"Can you not hear me?" Now I was annoyed and a little angry. "Do you need hearing aids? Are you deaf??"

"Let's go over there first and then I'll answer your questions, Ms. Impatient." He lead me over to the couches and we sat down.

"Now answer me."

Mr. Evans cleared his throat and prepared to answer me. "Hi, I'm Aaron Evans, glad to be acquainted with you," he introduced himself brightly. "I'm the recently hired General Manager of the Customer Service department."

"Ohhh I see. And why did you help me?"

"I heard all the commotion and came to see what was wrong. I couldn't stand the way he was treating you. Just because he's a security guard, it does not make it okay for him to do that to you," he explained. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt in any way?"

"I'm fine." I tried to imagine how a bystander would think of what happened earlier and couldn't help but feel embarrassed about it. I must've looked like a crazy woman.

"You sure?" He examined me with his eyes and spotted something on my legs. "You got a cut right here, you liar."

Oh I did? I looked down and checked. He was right. There was a tiny cut on my knee and it was bleeding.

"It's no biggie."

"It is a biggie. You got hurt from one of our staff so I should take care of it."

"No no no, its really okay."

"No, it's not," he persisted, not backing down. 

"Yes it really is." 

We continued doing this back and forth for the next 10 minutes before he finally gave up.

"Man you're really stubborn," he complained. "Even more stubborn than me."

I smiled at him, accepting that as a compliment.

"So what's your name anyways?" he asked.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I asked in amusement. "When you were talking to Benjamin earlier, you said my name."

He held both of his hands up and smiled goofily. "You caught me."

I slapped him playfully and laughed.

"Tell me Ms. Wilson, what's your first name?" he asked again, this time rewording the question.

I thought about how he didn't answer my questions right away and grinned evilly.

"I don't really like that look on your face."

I rubbed my hands together, enjoying the moment. I'll change the subject, just like he did. "What are you planning to do about what Benjamin said?" I couldn't believe that Christian's mother was behind everything that just happened. She terminated my contract and told the other employees to treat me like this.. wow this was just unbelievable. 

"Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have the authority to do anything about it. Even though Mrs. Wright doesn't work here, she is the CEO's mother. She probably has even more power than the CEO himself."

"Oh." I guess I shouldn't have expected much.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that. It's not within my ability."

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault."

He smiled and changed the subject. "So will you tell me your first name?"

"Cali Wilson," I smiled. "Thanks for helping me out over there earlier."

"No problem, I'll be there to help you out whenever I can. Nice to meet you Cali." He stuck his hand out and we shook hands.

We were about to pull our hands apart when someone suddenly appeared and punched Aaron right on the jaw.

I screamed in surprise.

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