Chapter 10

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It was none other than Christian.

"What the hell?!?" he exclaimed furiously. His face was red from anger and I noticed that his fists were clenched into a tight ball.

"Calm down jeez. I didn't mean to. I thought it was a robber."

"A robber??? Do you think you're still living in your crappy apartment or something?" he yelled. "This is a luxury apartment complex. Luxury. They have security on rounds all over the place and security cameras too. How in the world would a robber get in here??" He rolled his eyes and glared at me as if I was a piece of lint that got onto his expensive brand name suit.

"Well, sorry gosh.." I grunted. 

"You don't sound very sorry," he observed.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Mr. Obvious."

He muttered something about how he can't wait for the day I leave before going to his room. And then slamming the door behind him. Loudly.

"Anger management issues much?" I called out toward his room, purposely making it loud enough for him to hear.

"Shut up! This is my house, thank you very much," he called out in annoyance. 

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

I worked nonstop for the next couple of days. Every second, every minute was extremely precious. I was getting close to finish reading the reports of the business interactions but the work of my co-workers were getting in the way. I had to alternate between reading my own work and doing their work. It was so annoying, but I couldn't do anything about it. I bit back on going to him and giving him a piece of my mind and continued to work hard. 

By the time Friday rolled around the corner, I was beyond exhausted. I felt like a zombie. I swear there were probably huge dark circles under my eyes. I barely got any hours of sleep these past few days. Every night I finished around 2-3 in the morning and then at 6 I had to get back up to get ready to go back to work. 

I pinched myself on wrist to wake myself up. My eyelids were casually dropping down and if I didn't stop myself I knew I would fall asleep. I typed a few more words to finish a report on Word before standing up from my swivel chair. I picked up a finished report and I began to walk to one of my co-worker's desk to drop it off.

Halfway there I began to feel light headed. The world seemed to be spinning. I managed to get to her desk and handed it to her. She gave me a pitiful smile  and I went back to my desk. I had already finished reading all the reports of the business interactions from 2005 to now and all I had to do was make a Powerpoint. I opened a new Powerpoint and began to make the slides.

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

On Sunday morning, I woke up feeling terrible. My head hurt and my legs felt weak. My presentation was today, I have to go to work whether I like it or not. Christian was going to kill me otherwise. I forced myself to get up and went to get dressed.

In the kitchen, I bumped into Christian who was cooking himself pancakes. He saw me and seemed to have noticed that I didn't look so well. I thought he would be nice for once and ask if I was okay or something but he looked away without a word and continued to cook. 

I grabbed a slice of whole wheat bread and headed for the front door when he spoke up. 

"Don't forget you have to present your Powerpoint today," he reminded me nonchalantly. 

"I didn't forget." 

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

At the company, I did my co-workers' work as I waited for Christian to arrive. When he finally came walking in, I followed after him into his office. I watched him take his jacket and hang it on the rack in the corner. I patiently waited for him to tell me to start my presentation, not having the energy to even complain.

"Let's go to the meeting room upstairs for your presentation, Wilson," he said a couple minutes late and got up. I nodded and quietly followed him out and to the elevators. We stood silently side by side as the elevator went up and went to an empty conference room.

He sat down and gestured for me to set up the Powerpoint. I plugged in my black flash drive into the laptop and turned on the projector. I turned off the lights leaving only the light of the projector and then finally I went next to the projection of my hard work to start. 

"In 2008, Wright..." My head began to spin . ".. Wright Corporations worked with.. worked with.." I looked at Christian who was watching intently and saw a tiny, a very tiny, flash of worry in his eyes. My focus on his began to fade as I felt myself lose strength in my legs before everything turned black.

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