4: Apologies

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Dark Enough - Health


Another pro of 'Being a Vamp 101'? Fast healing.

So by the time Christian had dragged me - that's right, dragged - to the nearest taxi in the middle of traffic, the back of my head barely made me wince. He rattled off my address but then patted the guy on the shoulder so he would look at him again and added on, "As soon as we exit the car, you won't remember us."

Extreme but okay. But then again did I really know the gravity of the situation? Nope.

The car crawled through the streets, horns blaring, people shouting all the while I was sat seething my shorts off. The fear had worn off completely; now, I was just plain old fuming. I could see the driver glancing in his mirror at me with a look of confusion almost the sort of look you'd give if you ever saw a cow with a horse's head. The double take. Because I knew in my frame of fury, my veins were beginning to throb.

"You need to calm down."

I gritted the back of my teeth to keep myself from spitting a fire storm. "You're lucky this driver won't remember any of this." I grumbled. "Because I'm going to push you out of this car."

"It wouldn't do much damage, the cars barely moving."

I didn't know what came over me but I actually socked him in the arm. "This isn't a joke, Christian!" I barked. "You got me into whatever the hell this is which by the way you have to explain. Did you know that Dante guy had horse tranquiliser? Two fucking doses?"

The cab driver swerved a bit and his heartbeat a little faster but shockingly, he carried on. I half expected him to ask us to leave the car or hell, get out the car himself and run away from the craziness in his back seat.

"Watch your mouth." Was Christian's weak-ass reply.

I glared at him staring out the window not even having the decency to look at me or even flinch at the punch. "Are we really going to do this?"

He exhaled sharply. "As soon as we get back, I'll explain everything. There's no point in me explaining it once now and then again to Kate and Callum. Am I right or am I right?"

At my silence he turned to me.

"Yeah, I'm right. Did anyone else see you? Apart from Dante?"

Crossing my arms over the other, I turned away from him. "Some Moroccan guy, Feisal."

I tensed when he didn't reply. Turning from the window, I was surprised to see his own veins beginning to outline his face. "I didn't think they'd send him."

"What is he?"

"A vampire, turned at seventeen around six hundred years ago." He said, glancing at me. "He's ruthless, dangerous, and because of the childlike innocence to his looks, he gets whatever he wants. I've despised him since the day we met."

"That sounds like every vampire."

He pinned me with a glare. "Don't be stupid. You met him so answer me this: could you resist him? It's not just the way he looks, he has the power of persuasion over us as well as humans, Chelsea."

My blood ran cold. "I-I've never heard of that before-"

"He made you think it was your idea to help him didn't he? You started to doubt yourself. It doesn't last long, it's not like how we can ask whatever we want of humans, but it's long enough to get what he wants."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You saw him ask me for help? Why didn't you help me then?"

"I wanted to see how you looked after yourself. And I didn't see Feisal's face."

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