25: "The first step to admitting something is to say it out loud."

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Roslyn – Bon Iver

!!!The last Christian POV chapter!!!!


"Uncle Christian?"

Turning from his spot by John's wall length window, Christian smiled at the dhampir rubbing the sleep from her large hazel eyes.

"Good morning, sweet girl," He said to Amelia picking her up when she threw her arms around his waist. "You grow more beautiful every day, how old are you now?"

She smiled tiredly and said, "I'm seven. How comes you're here? Where's aunt Chelsea?"

What little of a smile that was on Christian's face slowly fell.

Erinna managed to preserve a drop of blood in her system to keep her from completely desiccating. If that had happened, it would take a lot longer for her to awake again.

Moving Chelsea's body back to Canada was difficult. The only way to get her overseas was by coffin and even then Christian was arguing an unwinnable point.

Seeing her laying there, her skin grey, her black veins outlined all over her face and neck, it killed him. Truly broke something inside of him. He didn't want to leave her, didn't want to close the lid but he had to.

Finding a private jet under such short notice that didn't mind taking on a bloody coffin for cargo was hard too. Quicker than an international flight yes, but not easy. It took another forty-eight hours before all of them touched down in Vancouver airport.

During those wonderful forty-eight hours, all of them were holed up in a motel. Christian only left Chelsea's side once and that was to finally, after over eight hundred years, talk to his makers.

He wouldn't have ever thought in his lifetime he'd be sitting in a small coffee shop in the middle of Reykjavik with them. Erinna, her face the exact same picture as it was when she'd helped turn him. The scar on her cheekbone and eyebrow reminded him of the day he'd first seen her in his village.

Constance smiled at him first, twisting the cup in her hands before taking a short sip. "You must have so many questions."

Christian looked right into her eye as he said, "Not one."

"I find that surprising. My sister and I turned you so long ago, and you haven't one question?"

"I don't have anything to ask about my past. More so to do with now and the future. Like why you helped me."

Christian noticed the small smile to Erinna's mouth so he looked to her. "You must want something in return. A young vampire approaches you about a protégé you haven't seen in over eight centuries and your willingly to help?"

"That young vampire you're talking about is one of the bravest I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Erinna spoke. "Not one vampire on this earth I know would willingly approach one of the First Three vampire's, ask for something and live to tell the tale."

"I admire Chelsea." Constance added. "She's rare."

"I'm aware." He replied cautiously. "But you can't have her."

Both laughed. Music to some of the human's ears it seemed. It was late but the workers perked up and listened to them until they stopped.

"She's not a possession to have or to keep, dear Christian." Constance scolded him as if he were her child. "We desired nothing when your friends came to us for help. We don't go back on our word. You as well as the world are free of that evil so I see this as a win-win."

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