19: The Impaler

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Long chapter for you guys because the next is Christians!

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Long chapter for you guys because the next is Christians!

Radio Silence - James Blake


Very slowly, I squeezed her hands for our official introduction. Now, one of two things could happen. She could go absolutely bonkers in the next half an hour after we explain what happened to Christian and then possibly kill us. Or she could take it all on the chin and happily oblige us the help.

But then something she said about her sister wanting something in exchange irked me. Constance had no qualms about not wanting something for her help but her nameless sister...

"Katherine, oh what an absolute pleasure." Constance reached over and took Kate's hands. "A Phillips witch. Honoured. So honoured."

Kate's eyes narrowed. "You know my family?"

"Oh, no dear. My sister knows more than me about the covens but I think I crossed paths with your great-great-great grandfather Luis. Wonderful man, God rest his soul. So kind."

The name resonated within Kate as a small however forcibly hidden smile curved her lips.

Then her gaze moved to Callum. A very nostalgic look passed her face. "You're one of Isabelle's. Barely though, she's made so many vampires and so on and so forth it's almost impossible to tell. Oh Isabelle is one of the Three." She said when Cal frowned. "She's the first of your bloodline. You're such a handsome man, you're definitely worth keeping. And you. Joe. A werepanther."

Joe didn't look amused or pleased with this entire situation. In fact, it was the first time I'd seen him this mad. His eyes were glowing. What usually reflected a beautiful chocolate brown diluted gradually into liquid gold.

"Well, I haven't crossed paths with one in centuries. So quiet, so reserved..." She openly stared at him before sighing longingly. "Enough of this, tell me more about your visit."

"I said it's a long story but it looked like you've already taken the story right out of me." I replied. "We need your help."

"Mhm, go ahead. Wait! No, there are too many prying ears. Hold on a minute."

Within seconds, she was at the bar saying something to the bartender and then ushering every other patron of the bar out. And not one complained. Each of them nodded their head at Constance, almost a sign of respect and paid for their last drinks.

Being alone with her made the situation just that little bit more dangerous. Her mind set was still a complete mystery to me. And from everybody else's faces it was to them too, especially Kate.

After the bar was completely emptied, Kate took the seat beside me and murmured very low, "You freaking out?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

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