21: Complications, Trouble & Trust

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Another Christian POV chapter because I preferred it for this chap lol plus I, you know, love him.

Yours - SG Lewis


What is love, he asked himself as he pulled out Chelsea's chair and waited for her to sit down. Around him, the open air bar was in full swing. The light bulbs weaved in and out of each other, attached to poles at each end of the dance floor. It may be 1am but the buzz in the air said the night was only beginning.

It was a vampire owned bar, one he'd frequented a lot in the last few decades. Humans came and went, the creatures of the night were well known in Cuba but nobody ever commented on it. It was why Cuba was one of Christian's favourite places.

People danced to the rapid Cuban music, laughter resonated and echoed through the air and drinks were passed out frivolously. Everyone was friends here. It was a safe haven.

Slowly, he sat opposite the bright young woman across from him and once again thought, what love really was. He thought he knew over six hundred years ago when he'd fallen ass over feet in love with Florence but what kind of love was one of deceit and lies? He knew she lied but he put up with it. She would cry and she'd get what she wanted. He fell victim to her tricks time after time but did absolutely nothing about it.

After so long alone he'd finally thought he found someone he wanted to be with but all Florence wanted was to be turned. To take his power.

So again, what was love? It's a word, he thought wryly, glancing around at the couples on the dance floor. Since untangling from Chelsea earlier, he kept sifting through what the feeling really was. He said earlier he was beginning to fall for the roguish young lady but did he truly know what bottomless pit he was falling into?

Christian watched her. Watched the way her bright eyes took in her surroundings. The way her pink lips curved upward, the way her tan skin glowed. Her hand smoothed her silky hair away from her face. Beautiful. As soon as they walked in, the Cuban men zeroed in on her. Honestly, he couldn't blame them but with his hand firmly on her waist he'd warded them off with a deep scowl which dared them to try anything.

Seventy-five percent of the time we're fighting. She's slapped him more than they've kissed. Before the week they spent together, they barely spoke, mostly argued. And yet it only took a week to find out more than he'd ever in the seven years of knowing her.

In truth, did he know her before that week?

A part of what he assumed was his soul cracked whenever he thought about the time he took her away to deal with what she'd become all those years ago. Christian shifted in his seat and discreetly rubbed a hand over his chest. Odd. He hadn't ever felt this... sad about it before. He didn't know her then. He knew her better than that now, maybe that's why the memory of her completely broken made him a little miserable.

But then her eyes landed on him, excited, happy and his misery disintegrated. He had to push aside his need for her body and begin his line of questioning before leading her into the nearest corner and claiming her again and again.

He needed to know what the heck has been happening and why she was enjoying the company of Vlad.

Before that, however, his old friend and the owner of the bar, Markos bounded out from inside with a robust laugh and said, "Is that my hermano from another madre? Christian Beaumont!"

Christian stood with a wide grin and hugged the bear of a man with a slap of the back. "It's good to see you Markos."

"Not as much as it is to see you and with such a stunning creature at your arm, excuse me while I steal her from you. Hola,"

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