24: A Fate Worse Than Death

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Good Enough – Elderbrook


The scent was so faint it was almost as if I'd dreamt it.

If there were werepanther's around it meant they'd found us. Joe had called for help. There were maybe three or four of them? I couldn't concentrate. The scent disappeared as quickly as it came.

Staying awake was becoming a struggle. There were at least five bags on the table now and the two bags attached to my arms were filling slower than the last. If I was counting correctly I probably only had three or four more pints left before I'd start to desiccate. Being a vampire doesn't mean I'd die slower, my body still required blood. I wouldn't be completely dead if I was drained but I may as well be.

I glanced at the door with heavy lids and tried once again to yank my arms out of the chains. They cut horribly into my skin and I bit the inside of my cheek when what they started to bleed. I exhaled a sharp cry and tried again to no avail.

But the moisture on my arms worked to my advantage. I could slide out of them. With a painful groan, I slid one arm out from the chain. But then I started to think, what could I possibly do if I got out? The garage door was locked and so was the one Henrik left out of. Plus, I didn't have one ounce of strength left in me to even try to fight.

I heard more than one set of footsteps start to approach, so I slid my arm back in with a grunt and watched as Henrik dragged Christian in. Two human's and Jannika entered behind them. It took everything inside of me to stay in my seat. All I could smell was human blood, all I could smell was them. The predator inside of me was threatening to take over. I could feel my pupils expanding, feel my veins throb with thirst.

They'd roughed him up. Blood smudged across his face, blood matted in his hair. He looked worse for wear, that was for certain.

Hunger was the most powerful weapon for a vampire. Hunger this strong was dangerous even to other vampires. I didn't want to hurt Christian but in this mind frame, I would. I was thirsty and that was all I could think about.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped onto the arms of the chair with all my willpower.

His dark angry eyes took in my appearance and then focussed back to Henrik. "You're disgusting, Henrik." Christian spat. "Draining her for every bit of her blood is the worst mistake you could have made."

"Is it? I think it's the best mistake." He laughed disconnecting the needles from my arms and sealing up the bags.

"I said I'd do what your father wants if you release her, what more do you want me to say?" Christian's gaze darted over my hands and then to my eyes. I could tell he was trying to get some sort of emotion out me, a smile, a cry, maybe even a shout of pain. But, how could I?

My thirst was my focus. My need to feed was my focus. I could feel myself losing my humanity, losing all rational thought but I had to hold on. Just a little bit longer.

"It's no fun if you to agree straight away is it?" Jannika shook her head, her grip on Christian's arm grew tighter. "Vlad has come to an agreement with my father. He'll be ours if we release you both. Personally, I didn't see how Vlad The Impaler could possibly compare to a second sire but then I saw it. Dracula is infamous and people think he's a myth. But then I suggested why not use both of you to his advantage. We keep Chelsea until the deed is done of course."

"No." Christian growled. "Release her and you've got a deal."

"Then where's the insurance?" Jannika scoffed. "What would motivate you to do as father has asked of you? There's no logic in yours or Vlad's deal, Chris."

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