Chapter 3 - The Hokage

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"So what now?" Boruto asked.

"What do you mean by what? We need to talk to the Hokage. Someone will notice two kids wandering around the village."

"Hey! We're almost genins!"

"Not in this timeline! Just think about it! I think I am the biggest problem. I mean... Sharingan."

Ohhh! Right! Dad's rival wasn't on their side only after the war!

"Right! Okay let's go!"

Boruto grabbed Sarada's hand and dragged her along with him towards the Hokage office.

"Wait! And what we'll say? That we came from the future? It's impossible that they will believe us! They'll say we are some spies kf something!"

"We'll think about it! Don't worrie!"

"What do you mean don't worrie! Do you know how scary tthe fifth is?"

"That old hag? She's old even in this timeline. She is lucky that she has that diamond thingy on her forehead!"

"That diamond shaped mark on her forehead is a seal! And that seal is called Hyakugou Seal! Do you know how powerful that seal is! Not everyone can achieve it!"


"You should pay more respect to the Hokages! I'm gonna be Hokage after all!"

"You Hokage? Just why?"

"A Hokage is the most powerful shinobi in the village, and protects the people in the village aswell!" Sarada said while smiling.

Boruto scoffed.

"Whatever! I hate the Hokages!"

Nooo! Does that mean he hates me? Chaa! And I didn't even became Hokage!

As they finally arrived in front of Tsunades's office, Sarada stopped and started to think what to say.

But before she could notice, Boruto entered the office.

"Hey you old hag! We need to talk!"

Little did he notice that Tsunade wasn't alone in her office.

In the room, there was Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Kakashi and Yamato.

Sarada face palmed.

That baka!


"Boruto! TEME! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU!" Sarada and Tsunade hit Boruto in the head at the same time.



"I'm so sorry for my friends manners!" Sarada bowed.

"You brats! What do you want? You lost your mother or something?"

She's right in front of me... But she is much younger! SHANAROO THAT'S MOM?!


Boruto stood up from the ground and dusted his pants.

"We time traveled. We're from the future dattebasa!"


That idiot!

"Teme! I told you, you can't just say that!"

"What did you called me?!"





"ENOUGH! You're worst then Naruto over here!"

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