Chapter 26 - Sarada Found

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Sarada was running towards the unknown.

But she knew that in that direction was her father.

This was just like the first time.

But this time, her father will probably kill her since he doesn't know who she really is.

Chaa what was I thinking?! I can't go after him! He will kill me in a blink of an eye!

Just when she stopped running and thinking about a plan of escaping, some appeared in front of her.

Everything was silent.

Snowflakes were falling down the sky, while the sound of snow being stepped on was heard.

Sarada looked up and saw none other then Suigetsu?


"Goodnight!" Suigetsu said.

Sarada fell down unconscious.


"Oi! Sasuke! I found that person!" Suigetsu said while going towards the group.


"From this little girl?" Juugo asked.

"Yeah..." Karin replied.

"W-why-" Sasuke's eyes widen.

Why does this girl have an Uchicha crest on her back.

How is that even possible.

He was the last Uchiha.

"No way!" The others said while realizing at what Sasuke was looking.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" Zetsu suddenly appeared from the ground.

Sasuke went back to his emo self.

"Nothing. Let's go." Sasuke said.

"What? But Sasuke-"

"Let's go!"

They continued their way to the Kage Summit, leaving Sarada behind, in the snow, unconscious.


Boruto, Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato were walking towards the Raikage.

All of them strongly believed that those cloud ninjas were going to give the news to the Raikage.

"Okay. So lisen up Naruto we are going to-"

"What's that?" Boruto asked while pointing at something in the snow.


Naruto walked towards that thing only to realize that it was a person not a thing.

"What the hell?!"

Naruto picked the person up and realized it was-

"Sarada?!" Boruto ran towards his father.

"She's super cold!"

"What the hell happened with her?"

"More importantly why is she here?" Kakashi asked.

"Okay, me and Boruto are going to find am hotel for all of us to stay. You guys go for the Raikage." Yamato said while grabbing Sarada.

"Okay. Boruto, take care of Sarada." Naruto said.

"Don't worrie, I will."


"Do you think she is going to be okay?" Boruto asked the doctor.

"I'll be honest with you, her condition isn't the best. She has high fever."

"I see..."

"But don't worrie. I'm not a doctor just in name. She will be standing up in no time!"

"Thank you sensei!"

What happened to you, Sarada?

So... Here is chapter 26

I'll get to the point.

A freaking wall cabinet fell on my mom.

And what do you think it was in the cabinet? Mugs.

Yeah... Imagine the horror secene now.

And the sad part about it is that most of the mugs didn't sirvive.

But in the end, my favorite mug survived.

Oh my mum? She's alright.

A few scratches here and there but she is alive!

Once again, happy birthday Naruto!
Thank you for reading!

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