Chapter 16 - A Letter From The Past

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Have you ever had those moments when you can't sleep at all? That moment were all you do is looking at the walls and after an hour you realize that it was getting a little bit more brighter outside? A white night?

Well, Boruto was just having that moment.

He was afraid of loosing his father.

He never realized how much he loved his father until now.

He regretted everything he did to his father in the past years.

But at the sane time he wished his father would give him more attention then those paperworks.

He understood his father didn't had the best childhood in the world, but...

Boruto stood up from his bed. Well, more like his father's bed.

He got dressed into something more casual and the he quietly leaved the house.

At the same time, Naruto woke up.

He had a nightmare. He haven't had one of those ever since he was a kid. Gosh, and how awful they were!

He stood up and started to feel the side effects of sleeping on a couch. Back pain.

He grabbed a glass of water and sat down on a chair.

He didn't knew what to do. He was mad at Boruto for doing what he had done. But now, thinking more about it, he realized that Boruto only protected the future. The future he is from and where he needs to return.

Naruto walked inside the bedroom. He needed to speak to his son. He didn't care if it was late at night. The more important is to say sorry to his son.

But to his surprise, Boruto wasn't in the bed and the door of the bathroom was open.

But at the same time he started to have a bad feeling.


Boruto walked to the closest park be could think of.

He sat down on one of the swings while looking at the stars.

"It's late, you know?"

"Like I care... Wait. Who's there?"

The man from the shadows revealed himself.

"Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Tsuneo."

"Wait! Are you- you are! You are the one that send me here!"

"Well, aren't you a smart one. Yes indeed, I am the one that send you here."


"Because I wanted to chamge your point of view on your father... You see, that is my job. To make people underatand each other more."

"I don't care! I want to go home! I can't stand it!"

"I'm sorry but I can't send you home."

"Why not?!"

"You still don't understand. You will at one point."

"I don't care about your job! It's not my problem that your job sucks!"

"I'll be going back to your timeline. If you want, you can send a message."

"A message? How about you send me back?!"

"No... This is my last offer. Take it or not. It's up to you."

"Fine! Give me a paper and a pen!"

As Boruto wrote down the message for his family, he attached to his little letter sonething he knows only his parents will understand. His necklace.

"You better give it to them!"

"You have my word."

As Tsuneo disappeared, Boruto heard someone calling his name.

"Boruto? Where are you?"


"Boruto! I thought something happened to you!" Naruto rushed to his son and then he hugged the life out of him.

"Too tight!"

"Oh, sorry."

"Are you okay, dad?"

"I wanted to apologize to you but when I opened the door and saw you weren't there, I don't know... I started to have this bad feeling and-"

"I forgive you. I understand that you were mad... You probably still are."

"I'm not mad at you. You done what you needed to do."


Himawari woke up from her sleep. She had a feeling someone is watching her.

But when she looked at the window, someone was actually watching her.

"Ahhhh!" Himawari started to scream.

Naruto and Hinata quickly rushed in her room.

Hinata grabbed Himawari and hold her close.

"Shh. What's wrong?"

"T-there was someone at my window." Himawari cried.

Hinata looked at Naruto.

Naruto nod and then he entered the sage mod.

His eyes widen and then he rushed outside.

Someone really is here. It's no doubt. It's that man.

But then, Tsuneo's chakra disappeared.

When Naruto turned around, he found a letter.

"A letter?"

He entered back the house.

"Daddy, is the bad man gone?"

"Yes, sunshine."

Himawari hugged her father.

Naruto showed Hinata the letter.

"A letter?"

"I don't know what's this about..."

Hinata used her byakugan.

Her eyes widen when she saw her son necklace.

She grabbed the letter and open it.

"Is that-"

"Boruto's necklace."

Naruto read the letter.

To: Mom and dad.

August 17

Trapped in the past wih your 16 younger form.

From: Boruto

"Wait... August 17. The day I found out Jiraiya died? Then..."

"Oh gosh!"

"Nagato's attack!"

Hey guys!

This chapter was really confusing, I know!

Anyways, thank you for 3k! It like what, only a few days ago when I was freaking out when I saw that twe have 2k!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment!

See ya!

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