Chapter 27 - Sasuke Motherfucking Uchiha

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Naruto didn't knew how to feel anymore.

Why is Sasuke doing this?

Why isn't Sasuke home already?

Just, why?

Naruto asked the Raikage for forgiveness but it didn't changed anything.

Naruto was feeling discouraged.

He felt like there was no hope for him to bring Sasuke home, where he belongs.

Just one stupid mistake an-

"Hey. We need to talk."

Naruto's eyes widen.


Sarada finally woke up.

"I'm so glad you are safe! Jeez, you made we worried."

"Oh sorry to-"

"Because if you got harmed and your parents found out, I would have been seriously injured or dead." Boruto finished.


"Take that back! If you died, which I thank Kami-sama it didn't happen, I would have needed to change my name, my face, my-"

"Okay, I get it."

"Style of clothes, favorite food-"

"Stop it!"

But just then, a load boom was heard.

"What was that" Sarada asked.

"I don't know... Maybe dad fell or something."

"RASENGAN!" Naruto's voice was heard and then another boom.

"Are we under attack?"

"I don't know."

As they walked towards Naruto's room, they saw that there was no wall anymore, and Naruto, with a ransengan in his arm, and shouting something about Sasuke.

"P-papa?" Sarada ran to see who Naruto was talking to.

"N-no way!" Boruto exclaimed.

There it was. Obito Uchiha. The one that caused all this pain.

"Where is Sasuke!" Naruto demanded.

"Well, well, don't be in such a rush."

Just then, Yamato and Kakashi came in view.

Naruto was now safe, and there was no way 'Madara' could reach them.

"I wanna know what you did, that made Nagato betray me." 'Madara' said.

"Like hell I would tell! Where is Sasuke!"

"Sasuke huh? He's a true avenger. He choose this path all by himself."

"No way." Naruto and Sarada said quietly.

"Oh, but that's the truth. Even after all that happened."

"What happened?!" Sarada asked.

"Oh? So the two of you must be the time travelers that was rumoured around the hidden villages. Tell me young girl, who is your father?"

Eww! He reminds me of Orochimaru!

"But I guess that the blond one is your son, isn't he?" 'Madara' said to Naruto

"My father is Sasuke Uchiha."

"Oh? Interesting. How about I tell you all the real story of Itachi?"


"That can't be it..." Sarada couldn't belive it. Hell, even Naruto couldn't believe it. (XD sorry I had to)

"You expect us to believe that crap?" Naruto yelled.

"Oh, it's your choice. What ever you decide to believe or not, that's the truth. Now, if you excuse me... I have to be somewhere else."

Itachi loved and protected Sasuke... That's just impossible!

"What happed here needs to be kept a secret. We don't know yet if that's the truth or not. Keep it a secret is the best choice." Kakashi said.

Hey guys!

I feel like in every chapter I say thid but... Sorry for not updating! GOMENASAI *bows*

I think teachers talk to each other about tests and exams and when to give us.

All this week (and keep in mind... It's not finished yet) I've had so many tests.

But, the good part, I passed my tests with flying colours!

but... Today, the horror entered my life when I saw what our math teacher gave us for todays test.

I not kiddijg right now, a girl in my class FAINTED because of thid test.

It was an announced test so idk why she was so stressed out about it.

She had a panic attack and then she fainted.

I'm not even sorry that I laughed. It was so fake! So obvious! But of course, the teacher believed her and she didn't took the test.

And I'm not trying to be mean or anything but... It was so funny!

Okay, thank you for reading and sorry that the chapter is so short!

Thank you for reading my shitty stories!

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