At the Castle

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My P.O.V

I already know what your thinking its beautiful aint it how they built this place is almost as much of a mystery as the prince. The thing is the king and queen made sure that they wanted no press around their child so to either give him a bit of a normal life or just to keep that family legacy intact in case he did something stupid. So truly to be honest nobdoy really knows who he is and espically what he looks like not even us maids or any of the other workers. All we know and could be able to tell you is his name and age Jacob, on the up side he's 19 years old. OMG I'm bout to be five minutes late. (Rushes to the place show my maids id then runs to the maids interference, clock in just in da nick of time, go into the maids cubby to get my cleaning supplies, and gets dressed into my maids outfit) {go to chapter one click External link and its outfit #1}. Then I report to my area of the castle that needed cleaning and if yall take another look at that castle then yall would see we have our work cut out for us. My First job is cleaning the windows 30 min later, next I dusted and polished the statues 30 min later, then I got to work on scrubbing my portion of the floors.

Rosita's P.O.V

*Tries to stand back up after being on all fours from cleaning the floors then cracks back*

Rosita: Hombre asobro [translation- awe man] I getting too old for this I cant wait for an early retirement well I better move on to the next chore. I was about to turn the corner in to the next hall when all of a sudden I was stopped by a voice so I slowly peeked around the corner to see who it was. There were two people one with big very poofy hair and the other was one of the many butlers the king and queen have. As old as I was I was still surprised that I could even hear them, something about a line up with all the right maids picked out. I probably should have eavesdropped they could have my head for this. As Im trying to leave I heard a voice that stopped me dead in my tracks...

???: Hey you there maid.

Rosita: Si senior?

???: Your acquaintances with Yn right?

Rosita: Si senior?

???: Be sure to give this to her and tell her to put this on & there will be a lineup in the vanity hall in 15 min. *gives me the bag with her name on it*

Rosita: Si senior.

I quickly hurry out of my section as fast as I could to find her it felt like it took me forever to find her cause of my arthritis and the fact that I walk on my toes but luckily for me I found her just in time.

Rosita: Por favor vaya usted debe darse prisa poner esto en vamos ahora vamos vamos vamos [translation-Please go you must hurry put this on. Go on now go go go!!]

My P.O.V

So Im just cleaning here on all fours minding my own business and then all of a sudden I felt sombody grab me up by my arm and it was Rosey. Well at least I call her Rosey she bout be like 82 years young so yeah and  for her bein' one of my only and most closest friends up in here. But anyways she comes up to me all panicky and breathing heavy like there was a ghost in the castle.

Yn: Rosey whats wrong calm down! *I grabbed her up a chair and some water*

Rosita: *Breathes heavy then sit down and drinks* You must hurry Yn go put this on in the maids changing room a young man with poofy hair told me to give this to you and something about a lineup in the vanity hall in 15 minutes.

Yn: Ok thanks Rosey.

Rosita: Oh and Yn one more thing.

Yn: Yeah?

Rosita: He told me that six min ago.

Yn: Um ok and can you watch my supplies cuz you know how some birds like to be thiev'n [stealing] up in here.

Rosey: Oh sure of course its no problem.

I ran all the way from my cleaning area of the castle into the changing room with the other maids and get dressed (go to chapter one click (External link and its outfit #2). Now when I had the dress on I was thinking 'Kevin Hart wait a minute wai- wait a minute hold the heck up'. I almost needed to stop, get out a calculator, a pencil and some paper to do some math and see how bad they don had me f-ed up. Like I was check'n  my self and all that I saw wuz the dress was that da dress was too short and most definitely way too poof. The neck line is showing a little too much extra and dont even get me started on theses here stalkings yall got me looking like the french maid for the night shift at the broken street light. Now don't get me wrong I was looking good and so was the dress but this is not to be worn around the presence of royalty but I do hate the stupid hat though. As the other maids were leaving I was still deciding on whether not I should go because all the of this. After all the other maid had left out I heard a knock at the door I cracked open and it was Rosey

Rosita: YN are you still in there I dont recall seeing you leave?

Yn: Rosey I can't come out here like this.

Rosita: Que? Why not what is the problem?

Yn: Look this Rosey I look ridiculous *pulled her in the room with me* girl I cant wear or look like this in front of royalty especially married royalty.

Rosita: I don't see what the problem is mija I think it looks good I know that if I was your age I would most certainly wear it as a maid and most differently in front of a prince or man.

Yn: I look like a harlot.

Rosita: You look good now you have to hurry out there to the vanity hall or else you won't make it in time for the line up.

Yn: Girl you funny but anit no way Im getting out there.

After that time and consideration Rosey fixed up my hair like how all the other girls had it when they left and then she just decided to push me out the changing room while saying you'll thank me for this latter mija which gave a running urge to head down to the vanity room.



Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now