The Date P2

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 I let her walk past me just so I could catch on last look at her walking away from one of my top 5's of this date it was until I saw that I wasn't the only on enjoying the view of my girl that is if she'll have me. 

Jacob: Look man keep you eyes off my girl.

Danile: Alright man chill. 

Jacob: And one other*turns around* thing ... (Where the fuck did he go?) 

Yn: Jacob Jacob are you ok? 

Jacob: Yeah... yeah I'm alright sweetness lets go. 

We finally get back to the limo and and I opened the door for her to get in.

Yn: So let me guess next stop the movies huh. 

Jacob: Actually sweetness were already here. 

Yn: Boy what do you  mean? Wait don't tell me we gone watch a movie on one of these little bitty tv's well aight then where da remote at?  

Jacob: Oh what those those are just for decoration ther not even real.

Yn: Well then what do you mean? 

Jacob: That is the tv. 

Yn: You mean that window? 

Jacob: Window that a screensaver*use the remote to turn the tv on* so what movie you want to watch? 

Yn: O_O How bout Major pain?

Jacob: Ok no probblem I know that its only been an couple of days but Its not the same without you in the palace knowing your not there. 

Yn: Yeah I miss working there and plus my new job I just (gco) 

Jacob: Hate it 

Yn: Yeah. 

Jacob: So then why don't you just quit? 

Yn: Where am I gonna find another job? 

Jacob: You still got Rick's.  

Yn: Yeah and I also like extra money and at that I still got to give them a two weeks notice.    

Jacob: Come back to work at the castle I can guarantee you that you'll have your old job back and that Prince will treat you with more respect but you have to trust me on this.  

Yn P.O.V

Ok while the movie was playing I just couldn't help but to just look  up and at just for a few while ma head was on his shoulder, he even tried to put his arm around me so I let him. I think I'm really beginning to like him and plus even if I do take up his offer I might get to see him more often.   

Yn: I'm sorry that I just wouldn't try stop laughing during the movie.  

Jacob: Its ok plus one of the things that I like about you. 

Yn: Oh so you already got some things that you like about me alright lets hear em. 

Jacob: Ok  your fiestiness  your courage, your hard working, the most amazing deepest brown Ive ever seen, and damn you got some nice legs. 

Yn: Is that all. *turns face away while smiling* (thinking- this boy here bout to make me blush infront him) 

Jacob: You got a thick ass too.     

(tried to look away but he pulled my chin up tworads his face.) 

Jacob: You know what else you look like you got some soft lips.

I tried to hide my lips(pursed lips) this time but he used his thumb to gently pull my them back out as he moved closer till he pressed his lips up against mine. The kiss started out real soft and slow, it felt like my heart was slowly beating harder and I wanted him to pull me closer. In a way I think this boy musta been readin my mind be cuz he put his hand at the back of my thigh to pull me in just a little bit closer. I could tell that he wanted to deepen the kiss cus of the way he was inchin' me over to him so I put my hand o the back of his neck and just when the kiss was about to get deeper *Beep Beep* 

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now