Repercussions part one

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Jacob's P.O.V 

Jacob: Made it and nobody (gco) 

???: Jacob O'neal Latimore where have you been?

Jacob: Mom uhh??

Jacob's Mom: Never mind just because you almost missed church completely doesn't mean that you can just skip out on this meeting.

4 hours later

I was lucky about making it to church by the skin of my teeth but I'll be damn lucky if I can stay awake during this meeting. Plus if its not the fact that my parents are mad at me Princeton keeps giving me the stink eye I know he's pissed at me but damn. I wonder what he's thinking about not that I already know what it is but its got to be more interesting than this. 

Princeton's P.O.V 

Yeah I'm mad at him both are parents nearly chewed me up and spit me out and for what over him running around with some girl he barely knows. I mean so what if she has a cute smile, a nice ass, and when she was at the club last night ti- what am I saying? 

Random Person: And now with all of that and those matters have been taken care of I hope to see you all at the Meldonian Hosted Royal Gala next week advisers are to attend. And I hope you all have a safe journey home meeting adjourned. 

Jacob's P.O.V 

The Ga(gco)  

Princeton's Mom: There you are you better have a damn good explanation for him being late and practly missing church. *grabs both their ears*

Princeton and Jacob: Ow not ooooooooooowwwwwww.

Princeton: Owww I *gco*

Princeton's Mom: *lets go* 

Jacob: This was all my fault I told the guards to let me sleep in.

Mom: What happen to your face how did you get those bruises and your lip? 

Jacob: Practicing my combat skills for defense. 

Mom: Well go and have it tended to we wont have it at the Gala and just to be clear you are to me there on time.

Princeton's Mom: Especially you young man lets go! 

Jacob: Don't worry I have a date and I will give her a call later on tonight. 

Princeton: This won't happen again a thousand pardons 

Princeton's Mom: It better not happen again. *leaves the room*

Princeton: *socks Jacob in the arm and leaves without another word.*

Jacob: Ahh! *rubs arm* Prince come on I'm sorry man.

Pops: A combat practice indecent?

Jacob: Yes Sir. 

Pops: And sleeping in?

Jacob: Affirmative. 

Pops: And you wouldn't be Lying to me now would you?

Jacob: No Sir. 

Pops: Fine then if that's how it is. 

Jacob: Sir.........Do you (gco) 

Pops: Your mother is just worried about've been acting rather differently than...... usual but one thing is for sure what you did was very disrespectful and there will be a consequence one that you can not worm your way out of. 

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now