Preference 1- You first meet the boys

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You First Meet The Boys.

Harry -

You're parents finally got you tickets to see your favorite band, One Direction. And to make it ten times better, you were going with your best friend! As you and [Y/B/F] took your seats, you both had a massive grin plastered on your face, and couldn't stop smiling and squealing.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, the lights went down, and your boys were on stage. You were dancing and singing along, and having a great time. Then the hip thrusting started. Since you got front row seats, Harry was directly in front of you. Thrusting those hips like there was no tomorrow. You felt yourself begin to get lightheaded, and everything went dark. You woke up a few minutes later, on a bright orange sofa, with [Y/B/F] beside of you.

"What happened!?" You ask, already aware that you fainted.

"You passed out [Y/N]! And Paul came rushing over to us. He picked you up and told me to follow him. I thought for sure we were getting kicked out, but he took us here." She said, trying to hide the laughter in her voice.

"Why are you laughing!?" You exclaimed, somewhat offended.

"[Y/N], you fainted. Because Harry was hip thrusting. How could you not find that funny?!" she said, now violently giggling. You just shook your head,

"You're an idiot." you stated simply. Just then, those 5 perfect boys came through the door. [Y/B/F] immediately walked over to Zayn and Louis, while you walked over to Harry, Niall, and Liam.

"Hey, Daddy Direction, Hazza, and Nialler." You said. They all looked at you with huge smiles on their face.

"Hey Sleepyhead!" said Harry. You all laughed as the other boys waved and smiled to you.

"I'm [Y/N]!" you smiled.

"Lovely name!" Said Liam.

"Tanks". You all chatted for a bit before they were called on stage. You and [Y/B/F] both got pictures, autographs, and they even follow you both on twitter! You noticed Zayn slip [Y/B/F] a piece of paper, and as you went in to hug Harry, he slipped on in your pocket. As soon as they left, you both looked at them. They both said, "Text me ;)" with Harrys number on yours, and Zayn's on hers.

Louis -

You were walking through the city, waiting for your sister to get off work. You had one headphone in as you sang along to the song, and stared at the massive buildings around you.

"What are we doing? I am so in love with you. I forgot what I wanted to say." You sang. Soon you heard someone scream, "IF I JUST SAAAVEEE YOUUU! YOU COULD SAVEE ME TOOO!' You quickly turned around to see the one and only, Louis Tomlinson, Staring at you.

"Um, Hi?" You said. Not sure if he wanted to talk or if he just felt like singing a duet.

"Hello love, Wonderful taste in music you've got there." He smiled.

"You listen to You Me at six?" You questioned. He was Louis Tomlinson, of One Direction. Surely he didn't listen to them.

"Of course! No One Does It Better is my favorite song by them!" You weren't sure how to react. You were in complete shock. You weren't sure if it was because Louis liked your favorite band, or because Louis was talking to you. So you just stood there, with a smile on your face.

"So love, what's a beautiful girl like you doing in the streets of New York alone?" He asked. "I'm here visiting my sister. She works in that building there" You said, pointing to the huge establishment down the street.

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