Preference 122- one of the boys catch you making out

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One of the boys walks in on you guys making out

• Liam:

You were in Liams dressing room with him before the show. You guys hadn't really had much alone time since you had surprised him on tour. "I missed you Liam!" you sighed. "I miss you too Y/N" he smiled. You got up and went to hug and kiss him but then the kiss got more intense and right as Liam went to push you up against the wall the door flew open. "Liam its time to- oh sorry guys this is uhh.. awkward,Can I get you guys anything? Some snacks? A condom? Let me know! Oh, God love ya. " Zayn walked out and laughed.

• Harry:

You and Harry were watching tv on the couch in his shared flat with Louis. You werent really interested in the show that was on so you started to tease Harry a little. You rubbed your hand up and down his thigh and looked up at him and smiled. He grabbed your hand and pulled it up to his neck signaling for you to position your self on top of him. He leaned down and kissed you. You deepened the kiss and moments later you found yourselves in a pretty heated make out sesh that was about to turn into something when Louis and Eleanor come in through the door. You didnt notice at first until you heard "HARRY!? your cheating on me? How could you do this to me, and in our own home?" Louis ran away and fake cried. You were so embarrassed you didnt even know what to do and all of a sudden your boyfriend says " Louis, you can join us if you want."

• Niall:

Niall and Liam were sharing a room in the hotel the boys stayed at while in California. You surprised Niall by showing up on one of the boys days off. You guys went back to the hotel room and immediately all over each other. Forgetting that Liam had the other room key you and Niall had started to strip each others clothes off. Luckily you were still in your shorts and bra when Liam walked in ruining the moment. "Oh my god im soooo sorry guys, you should have told me you were gunna have some alone time! Be safe !" he said and walked out. Apperently Niall thought that was the funniest thing in the world, you on the other hand have never been more mortified in your life.

• Zayn:

You and Zayn were play fighting in his flat before the boys were gunna come over for dinner. You had accidently kneed him right in the crotch and he collapsed on top of you in pain. "Oh my god babe im sooooooo sorry it was an accident i promise." you said. He just groaned in response. To take his mind off the pain you decided to kiss him. Right when things were getting a little more intense you heard laughing. You pulled away from him and looked up seeing the four other boys staring at you both laughing.

• Louis:

You were cooking breakfast with Louis one morning and decided to play a little joke on him. He had his back toward you while he was washing his hands and you figured now was the perfect time to ambush him. You filled your hand with whipped cream and smashed it on his face. "Oh you sneaky little bird." Louis laughed. He quickly turned around and grabbed you rubbing his whipped cream covered face all over yours. You two soon began making out and he had you laying down on the table when all of a sudden Harry came walking into the kitchen. "Oh my god not again, it's not even 9:30 yet, and on the table?! People eat there you know." You and Louis both got up and laughed

AN: SO ANOTHER SONG HAS BEEN LEAKED!!! It's called cant let her go and it's amazing. If you want to listen to it link is below::

It is perfection. Hope you enjoyed this one.

If you listen to the song comment what your opinion is on it. :)





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