Preference 107- the paps hurt you and he gets angry

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The Paps Hurt You And He Gets Angry


"No, no, no! I don't want to!" You whined and pleaded as Niall dragged you to the front entrance of the hotel. The both of you were going on a vacation to Paris and apparently, the manager must have tipped the paparazzi because there were millions of reporters and fans waiting outside of your hotel.

"Princess, there's no other way out. We have to go through this entrance." He draped his coat around your shoulders and helped you to button it up. You couldn't help but let out a little sniffle, followed by a few tears.
You always had a fear of being in tight spaces and Niall knew that. He knew that. So why was he making you face your fear?

"No, don't cry baby. Don't cry." He whispered in your ear once he noticed that you were crying. Wiping away the tears, he gave you a little kiss on your cheek and slinging his arm around your waist, pulling you in tightly. "I'll protect you."

You gave a little whimper as the both of you started to walk out of the door. Just like what Niall had promised you, his arm has never left your waist and was always clinging onto to you protectively. The fans and reporters started to scream and cheer when they saw Niall and you making your way through the crowd and tried to get a picture of him.

"Y/N! Y/N! Over here, Y/N!" A few reporters were snapping away on their cameras and was trying to get your attention so that they could have a proper picture.

Somehow along the way, you and Niall were separated. You didn't know how but it happened. You found yourself alone in the sea of screaming people, clueless and scared. The fans were still looking for Niall so it didn't bother you that much but the reporters were looking at you and asking you loads of questions.

"Y/N, what can you tell us about your relationship?" "Was it a set up?" "Is it true that you're pregnant?" "Y/N!" These questions started to pour out of their mouths and you just stood there, frightened.

When you didn't answer, the paps started to grab your arms and hair so that they won't lose you while more and more people started to join the huge crowds. "Ow! Stop!" You screamed at a reporter who had pulled your arm way too hard. "Stop!"
"Let go of me!" You shouted as you tried to make your way through the crowd but it was no use. "Let go!"

"Let go of her!" Your Irish superman shouted fiercely at the reporter as he returned by your side. "Nobody hurts my princess!" The obnoxious reporter backed away slowly as Niall put his arm tightly around your waist again.
"Does it hurt?" Niall asked, examining your arm. There was a huge visible red mark left by the reporter and it stung.
"A bit." You winced in pain as he touched it gently, shaking his head. "But its alright."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I promise it won't happen again." He promised you as he guided the both of you out of the large crowd and into a waiting car.


You and Louis were enjoying a walk down the high street, glancing at shops' windows and chatting about the current fashion. The both of you had Starbucks coffee and were holding hands as you walked.

"I'm pretty sure that lady has zero fashion sense. Zero." Louis commented as a lady dressed in an outrageous leopard print coat walked past. She was walking her pact of dogs and gave you a snobbish look over, mumbling things to herself.

"Lou." You whispered as a pack of paparazzi was standing at the end of the road. They couldn't see the both of you yet because you two were too far away but you could definitely see them.

"Here, love. Wear this." He took out his shades and helped you to wear them so that your eyes won't be affected by the flash of the cameras.

"What about you?" You asked as he chuckled, seeing you wear his shades was funny. He shook his head as he takes your hand and walked steadily towards the pack of paps. You looked down at the ground as the reporters surrounded the both of you, wanting to get the latest news and pictures of the both of you.

"Louis! Y/N! Over here!" "Louis, was it true that you broke up with Eleanor for Y/N?" "Y/N! What do you have to say about Eleanor?" "Look over here, the both of you!"

"Ignore them, babe." He whispered in your ear as a few reporters were desperately asking silly questions. They jumped, they screamed and hollered, they even tried to climb over other reporters just to get a scoop.
The both of you were almost through the large crowd when all of a sudden, you felt a strong arm pull you back and away from Louis. You gave a little shriek as your shades were ripped off and camera flashes were blinding you.

"Y/N? Babe?" Louis turned around when he didn't feel your hand in his safe grip. Desperately trying to find you, he frantically ran back into the crowd, pushing a few people away.

"Lou!!" You screamed for your boyfriend as more and more reporters were grabbing your arms, wanting to interview you. But your cries of help was blocked by the questions and the snapping of cameras.

"Stop grabbing! Ow, it hurts! Stop! It hurts!" You cried as your arms started to hurt from all the grabbing and pulling. "Louis! Lou!!"

"Hey!" You heard Louis' shout before seeing him throwing a punch at the reporter who was grabbing you. You screamed once the reporter fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Lets go, babe." Your boyfriend helped you up before slinging his arm around your shoulders, grabbing you tightly as the both of you walked right through the crowd. Some of the passers-by saw this incident and called for the ambulance, worried for the unconscious reporter.

"That was scary." You shivered as you recalled what had happened. The grabbing, the screaming and Louis coming to your rescue. "Anything to save my babe." He gave a smile as you gave him a huge thank-you kiss.


"Miss Y/N, what do you like about Zayn Malik?" Zayn asked you in a joking manner, using his fist as a microphone as you gave a huge giggle. The both of you were shopping for a new varsity jacket each since its been ages since you two shopped together.

"I don't like anything about him." You joked as you looked through the racks of different jackets, trying to stifle a giggle. The shop that you were in was fabulous, it has every single piece of clothing known to mankind.

"What did you just say?" Zayn asked again, grabbing your waist and burying his face in your neck, making you squeal and shriek. The store manager and some other customers were giving you dirty looks for the noise that you were creating.

You apologized before turning back to your boyfriend, who gave you a quick little kiss before running over to the other end of the store to find a jacket that suits him perfectly.

"Y/N!" You heard someone call your name so you turned around, only to be faced by a throng of flashing cameras. That manager must have tipped them off.

"Y/N! Is it true that Zayn Malik has another woman?" "What about your unborn child?" "Y/N, are you pregnant?" "Y/N, look here!!"

"Whatever you're thinking, it's wrong. Let me through!" You started to squeeze your way out of the large crowd but failed to do so. The reporters, however, saw this as a chance to get a private interview with you. They started to grab your hair and arms, trying to stop you from escaping.

"Hey, hey, no grabbing!" You warned the reporters as you shook their hands off your arm. But they didn't rest. Instead, they started to get more aggressive.

"No grabbing! Ouch! Stop it!" You screamed and shouted as they left red scratch marks on both of your arms. Crying, you felt yourself sinking to the floor as they vied and grabbed the chance for an interview.

"Zaynie.." You mumbled to yourself as the reporters took pictures of you crying. "Where are you, Zayn?"

"GET OFF MY BABY RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Zayn roared, furious when he saw how the paparazzi made you cry. At the sight of your scary boyfriend, the reporters cautiously took a few steps back, mainly because they don't want to get beaten up by him.

"What hurts, baby girl?" He asked as he gently lifted you off the ground and onto a counter. The sight of you crying made his heart break. "Don't cry, boo. You'll make me cry too."

"My arm hurts." You whispered as you examined your arm, which was full of red marks and scratches. He touched it gently which made you wince in pain.

"Lets get you to the hospital, okay?" He whispered as he carried you tightly, walking through the crowd and towards his car. "I can't believe that they would do this to you, baby. I'm sorry."


"I guess the paps knew that we're going to be here." Liam muttered as he drove into the crowded parking lot, fans and paparazzi were screaming at the sight of the both of you.

"There's so many people." You were amazed at how huge the crowds were. "How are we going to get in?"

He shrugged as he tried his best to park the car nicely without hitting anyone. "We'll have to barge our way through like what Louis would do."

You giggled as you thought of Louis and how he practically dragged Eleanor through the whole crowd without even giving it a second thought. Liam was bringing you to watch your favorite band performance but everyone knew because you had accidentally tweeted about it a few days ago.

"Alright, love. Lets go." Liam told you as he turned off the engine and opened the car door. You unbuckled your seat belt and opened the passenger door, alighting the car in the most graceful manner you could ever master.

The crowd was going wild when the both of you alighted the car, especially the reporters because they had waited for a chance to snap a picture of you and Liam together. "Get out of the way!" An obnoxious reporter shouted at you before pushing you, making you fall back into the car seat.

"Ow." You whimpered as your right leg hit the side of the car, twisting it. At this moment, Liam saw what had happened and rushed to your side.

"Love, are you alright?" He asked, panicking over your twisted leg. You shook your head and he knew that he had to bring you to the hospital. "Stay here, babe. I'll settle some things first."

He closed the car door and you pulled up the windows, he didn't want you to hear what he was going to say to the reporters. Pouting over your twisted leg, you looked at what was happening outside and was shocked to see Liam shouting at the crowd.

"Li.." You trailed off as you watched him shove the reporters, putting them in their places. And sure enough, a fight began.

"Liam!" You shouted and tried to open the car door but he had locked it from the outside. Not wanting anyone to get hurt, you started to hit and pound on the windows, hoping to gain his attention.

"Li, stop!" You screamed as a huge bulky man punched your boyfriend in the stomach. But hitting the windows was no use. Nobody could hear you over the loud fighting.

"It wasn't worth it, you know." You mumbled as he got back into the car, with a huge bruise on his left arm. He looked quite shocked to hear you say that.

"Love, you're worth it." He replied, giving you a little peck on the forehead before speeding to the nearest hospital for your twisted leg.


"I hate the paparazzi." You grumbled as you and Harry walked out of the airport, only to be greeted by a group of paps and screaming fans. "I heard that they were rough."

Harry laughed as you puffed out both of your cheeks in annoyance, resisting the urge to poke them. "Don't worry, kitten. I'm here to protect you. I've got these bad boys right here."

You let out a girly giggle as he flexed both of his arms, his biceps showing through the tight shirt that he was wearing, which made the female fans swoon over him.

Grabbing your hand tightly, Harry made his way towards the huge crowd in order to get to the waiting taxi, always checking to see if you were alright. "Careful, kitten."

The fans and paps immediately started to scream as he entered the crowd, with you tagging behind.

"Excuse me, please let us through." Harry said as he skillfully weaved his way through the crowd. "Excuse us."

The fans were obedient and allowed you two to pass through but the reporters were difficult. They insisted on getting photographs, interviews and autographs before they let the both of you pass. Harry didn't want to waste any more time because of the poor taxi driver but he also wanted to pass through the large crowd quickly.

"Hey Y/N, sweet cheeks, would you mind doing an interview?" A reporter asked as he jumped out of the crowd and blocking your path. You looked at Harry for help and he just ignored the reporter so you followed suit. But this reporter was as stubborn as a mule and he wanted to get his interview.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?" The reporter asked sarcastically as he grabbed your arm and pulling you back. You gave a little yelp of shock as you felt his icy cold hand touch your warm skin.

"That hurts!" You shrieked in pain as his nails sunk into your skin, you could see the marks that he had left.


"Let her go. Right now." Your boyfriend threatened the obnoxious reporter, who started to obey and let go of his death grip on you. Harry took out his jacket and wrapped it around you, protecting you from the paps as the both of you quickly made your way to the taxi.

"You were cool back there." You cooed as you got onto the taxi. He gave you a huge smile and flexed his arms again.

"Told you I would protect you. Does it hurt?" He asked, worried about your sensitive skin. You smiled and shook your head as he gave a little kiss on your wound.

AN: I found this one recently.

Can we get this to 1.7 maybe 1.8k votes today.

So please vote and comment


One Direction Preferences (tumblr) // 01Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora